Status: Updates are rare, i'm focusing on one story right now, check it out on my profile! xD

The Girl At The Back Wearing Black

Movie Night

I knew he was the one, he was the one I had been sent here to get. You see, about 2 years ago I was wondering around in the overgrowth in the park when I saw a group of people standing around a man, one of them was crouched down next to him, it looked like he was biting him or something so I walked a little closer (I was now with in meters of them) but I clumsily stepped on a twig and it snapped. They all turned around towards me, the man crouched down had what looked like blood all over his mouth, another walked a little closer to me and then smiled as his canine teeth slowly elongated and he jumped on me, I blacked out but then awoke with immense pain on my neck later, my fingers ran across the two tooth holes left in my jugular vein. I found my self lying on a bed in some sort of abandoned building, there was the same man sitting on the edge of my bed, he stared at me for a few moments before whispering.

“You're one of us now ...” and then leaving the room. I kind of figured that I had some how been chosen by a group of vampires to become one of them incase I told anyone about what I saw that day. From then onwards I had been carrying out secret missions for, as they call them selves, 'The Great Alliance That Bewitches Worthy Blood'. There were certain people with rare blood that must become one of us, if they refuse then they must die a painful death of slaughter, if I were them I would just accept because it isn't that bad being a vampire, you know your ever going to die and you get to stay young forever, plus you get to walk around in the night visiting graveyards but the only downside is that you can’t see your reflection, bummer. Anyways, here are the members in my quadrant:-

Skylar - my best friend ever as she was chosen at my age too and we have the same taste in music, and blood.

Devon - he's been like a brother to me ever since I joined, he can be sensitive and vicious at the same time as he was the one who chose me.

Hazel - she is also mine and Skylar’s age (our community is juvenile so we're all around the same age varying from 15 - 25) and she is like the person at school who will honestly tell you if you are having a bad hair day and can basically read your mind as she always knows what your thinking.

And last but certainly not least there is Mikey - He is the leader of the group who was the one I saw 'feeding' that day, he's like a father figure to me as he is 25

Anyways, I followed Destery and the others as we headed to Destery's house, Amethyst had to go home since her rents were bugging her, this was good for my investigation as I could find out more about him from his house and know where he could all ways come back to. His house wasn't too far from school so it only took around 5 minutes to walk briskly. Destery held the door open for me and the others but taking a long glance at me before blushing a deep crimson colour, did this guy have a thing for me? Well he is very beautiful and sweet ... wait wait wait, Mystic get focused, he's strictly hands off. I kept talking to myself inside my head before the guys announced that they were bored, I snapped out of my day dream.

“Do you wanna watch a movie Mystic?” asked Destery. I thought for a moment before replying.

“Sure, what about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?” I suggested, I first watched that when I was 13 and it was seriously wicked.

“Awesome! I haven't seen that thing in ages!” Nate exclaimed whilst going to open a bag of popcorn in the kitchen.

“Yay! This is going to be so great!' Waverly screamed, I think she was getting a little too excited.

So when Nate came back with the popcorn Destery put in the DVD and turned down the lights after shutting the curtains. He then sat down next to me on the sofa while Waverly and Nate sat on the floor right up close to the screen fighting over popcorn. The movie started and everything seemed fine, that is, until I realised that Destery was sitting unusually close to me, I shrugged it off and moved over a little, barely noticeable but he still shuffled along too. Not too long later he yawned and put his arm around me pulling me closer towards him, what a cheesy move to pull. I looked up at his deep blue eyes and saw a childish crush developing, hopefully he would soon get over it but he was here now and was still gazing at me, I looked up again and his face was getting closer to mine, I was nearly getting lost in his bright blue orbs but thankfully I was saved when the movie ended after a few unexpected screams from Waverly, she got up and opened the curtains.

“Ah, the light, it burns!” I said over reacting to the immediate sunlight after pitch blackness (we vampires aren't affected by sunlight like the myths mislead). They all giggled at my reaction.

“Okay guys, me and Nate have got to get back since SOMEONE (glaring at Nate) forgot to do his share of the geography assignment' Waverly said sending daggers at Nate every now and then.

“Okay, bye guys,” Destery said as he shut the door behind them and walking back over to the sofa to his former position “Now, where were we?” he asked getting close to me, I had time to think it over before he got to close and figured ‘what the hell, why not?’ and let his lips gently crash upon mine, there was so much depth to the kiss that I still had the urge to feed on him but I had to wait until further commands, his blood smelt so good and I was so close to biting his neck before he pulled away.

“Wow.” was all I could say, he smirked at my reaction.

“So, are you going to stay the night or shall I walk you home?' he asked politely.

“I think I’ll take that walk home.” I said getting up and walking to the door after Destery. Surprisingly my house was only a few minutes away from his.

“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” he asked even though I knew pretty well that he knew the answer himself. He leaned in close to me but I escaped his forceful grip.

“Yeah, tomorrow, bye.” I said leaving him on the porch speechless. I dumped my messenger bag on the stairs and headed up them.

“Where have you been hoe?” my brother Harry asked in his usual manor of welcoming whilst sitting watching TV, I assumed Jake was in the kitchen in search of food.

“Wouldn’t you like to know ...” I muttered as I approached my bedroom and crashed on my bed for the night.
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sorry it took so long, i've had other projects to do <3