Status: Updates are rare, i'm focusing on one story right now, check it out on my profile! xD

The Girl At The Back Wearing Black

God Damn it!

I must have dozed of for a few hours since the last time I looked at my clock was 4pm and it was now 10pm, I needed all the sleep I could get since tonight was our night, us being vampires and all we get hungry for blood occasionally so our group has special feeding sessions so's we don't attack random civilians as much. It would be held at the vampire HQ, we will fill up on blood and then mingle and listen to instructions for our missions. Realizing the time I got off of my bed and pulled on my black skinny jeans, a t-shirt that says 'cheer up emo kid' and my black hoodie. I wore this so's not to be noticed as much outside. I checked that my brothers were either asleep or wasted and then snuck out the bathroom window, shimmied down the drain pipe and headed off towards the park. There I would be picked up by Skylar since if I took my car my brothers would get suspicious and she lives on her own anyway so she doesn't have to sneak around like many of us do. The park was basically empty apart from the odd person walking a dog, why would you walk a dog at this time of night? I think it was about 10:30pm when the breeze started getting harsher and eventually Skylar’s figure came out from the misty distance.

“Hey Mysty, how've you been?” asked Skylar as she pulled me into a bear hug, we hadn't spoken in about a month.

“I’m fine, school's a pathetic waste of time, you?' I replied returning the bear hug.

“Nothing much, my mission is getting harder though, this guy is a model and keeps flying all over this god damn earth, I can hardly keep up with him. You’re lucky that your guy is at your school, I heard he's pretty cute, is he?” she asked, obviously side tracked from the conversation by the thought of hot guys, typical Skylar.

“Erm kind of, he tried to make a move on me when I was investigating his house, pretty weird, I think he likes me for real.” I said, rearranging my hair since the wind kept moving its position.

“Are you serious, wow. Well, come on, we can't keep Mikey waiting forever, we haven't got time.” she said pulling my arm along with her.

“Sky if you haven't noticed, we're dead, we've got all the time in the world.” I said smirking at my own joke.

“Oh ha ha, so original.” she said sarcastically but she eventually broke a smile as we got into her land rover. We were driving for 10 minutes before we arrived at the abandoned warehouse where Devon was outside for a smoke. He came up to the car and took a drag before speaking.

“Hey Skylar, hey Mysty, how've you all been?” he asked taking another drag before stepping on his discarded cancer stick.

“We're fine, where's Mikers?' Skylar answered for both of us, she does that a lot since I don't speak much anyway, unless I’m hyper on coffee, that is.

“He's inside with Hazel, apparently he wants to talk to you and Hazel about the new blood.” he said, taking glances between me and Skylar.

“Erm, okay, I’ll be back soon, you stay with Devon.” Skylar said to me whilst hopping out the car. I just stood there for a moment before Devon broke the silence.

“Do you want a fag?” he asked while getting another one out for himself.

“Yeah sure.” I said taking it from him and searching my pockets for my lighter.

“Here.” he said lighting my cigarette for me.

“Thanks.” I said taking a long drag, I was really stressed out after the week at school I’ve had.

“You okay? You seem tense.” Devon asked, his face contorted with worry.

“Yeah, it’s just ... well I don't know what to do. The guy I’m supposed to feed on this mission has a crush on me and I think I feel the same way, is that bad?” I said taking a few drags in between before flicking my cigarette onto the floor and stepping on it.

“Of course not, I know Mikey said that the missions come first but you've got to think of yourself as well, if you like him then go for it, what's stopping you?” he said. I love having a friend like Devon because I could talk to him about things I wouldn't talk about to Skylar or Hazel, I just seemed more relaxed around him for some reason.

“Thanks dev, you always know what to say.” I said gratefully pulling him into a friendly hug, which on his behalf became a bit too friendly but I just shrugged it off as I pulled away slowly. A few minutes later Skylar came back outside and said we could come inside so we followed her into the room where Mikey and Hazel were chatting but stopped when we came into the room. I shrugged that off also, today seemed weirder than normal. Whilst I was listening to the others mingle a bit I felt a bit dizzy, I figured it was because I skipped breakfast, I walked outside for some fresh air when I saw a familiar figure but then I found myself starring at the night sky as I toppled backwards.

***Time Elapse***

I awoke in a strange room, the walls were painted blue and had posters strewn all over them. I sat up but then remembered that I had fallen and hit my head which made me lay back down from the pain.

“Are you okay?” asked a familiar voice, it scared me a bit. I looked around the room to see Destery sitting in the corner with his legs tucked under his chin.

“Yeah, how did I get here?” I asked rubbing my forehead.

“Erm, well I was walking back from the store when I saw you standing outside a building on your own and then you suddenly fell to the floor, I waited a bit and then went over to you and took you back here, I couldn't just leave you there.' he rambled all the time staring at his shoes with a few glances up at my confused face.

“Well you shouldn't have bothered.' I said sitting up eventually.

“Mystic, why do you hate me so much? It seems that every time I try to be nice to you ... you push me further away.” he said coming and sitting next to me on the bed.

“I don't hate you, its just ... well ... its just how I deal with things, I push the people I love most further away from me.” I said, then covered my mouth and my cheeks turned crimson when I’d realised what I had said.

“You l-love me?' he asked unsure and slightly confused.

“Erm ... no ... I mean well ...' I was cut of by his lips pressed against mine, the kiss was so innocent, no tongue just lips moving in sync together, and really explained a lot. When he finally pulled away I couldn't say anything, I think he took my reaction as rejection because he got up quickly and ran out of the room before I could stop him. I had really fucked up big time.
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Here's another update <3 ooh, i made cupcakes today but they tasted shit, just thought that you should know that XD