Status: Updates are rare, i'm focusing on one story right now, check it out on my profile! xD

The Girl At The Back Wearing Black

What are you doing here?

DESTERY'S P.O.V (A/N : Oh yeah! Lets shake it up a bit! … Sorry, back to the story)

I quickly ran out of my room after I kissed her, I felt so stupid for doing that because she obviously didn't feel the same way. But how could I just leave her now? I could here from the other side of the door that she was sobbing a bit, I must have hurt her feelings pretty bad, I had to go back in but I wasn't man enough to do that. Now come one Des, you've got to do this, deep breaths, in and out, okay, I’m ready.


After I had stopped myself from over flowing with tears I heard a faint knock at the door. Then Destery appeared in the door way.

“Hey?” he said sheepishly, it sounded more like a question though.

“Hi.” I said after sniffing, trying to hold back more tears.

”I’m sorry, I shouldn't have done that, it was such a stupid thing to do.” he said sitting down next to me on his bed with his head in his hands.

Did he regret kissing me? “No, I should be sorry, I didn't mind you kissing me and I didn't kiss back because I was just so confused since you caught me off guard.” I explained.

“Well, are you ready now?” he asked getting closer, I didn't think anything of it.

“Well, yeah but that's not the point ...” as soon as he heard me say yes his lips crashed onto mine, it was a perfect kiss, so tender and loving, he tasted of coffee and ash since he had probably been smoking earlier. But this time was different, this time I kissed back, I could feel him smile as I did so under the kiss, his arms were coiled around my waist pulling me closer towards him. After a few minutes he pulled back and I was met with his deeply emotional eyes.

“How was that?” he asked, turning a light shade of crimson.

“Erm, well, it was great, we should definitely do that more often.” I said, I don't know where that inner confidence had come from with me flirting with him. I saw him smile again after I said that.

“Yes, we should, but now I think we should go to school since we're already late.” he said looking at his watch.
“Holy shit yeah school, I totally forgot, and it’s only my second day as well, I’m going to be in deep shit.” I said standing up with Destery’s arms still draped around me.

“Okay.” he said getting up, grabbing his messenger bag and taking a quick glance in the mirror at his appearance but frowning so he started to tease with his hair a bit.

“Come on, we don't have time for this, I still have to get my school bag from home,” I said trying to tear him away from his mirror and out of reach of his eyeliner. “By the way, where are we?”

“Erm ...14 Green street.” he said, as if he could forget his own address.

“Really? I only live across the street.” I said looking out of his window, then pondering for a moment before opening it up and jumping out.

“What the hell mystic?” I heard Destery yell as he looked down at me climbing the drain pipe.

“Its quicker and less awkward if I go this way rather than facing your parents,” I said like it was obvious after jumping off of the drain pipe at 6ft off the ground then running over to my house. When I came out with my messenger bag, I saw Destery coming out of his house. “Come on!” I said dragging him by his hand. When we finally reached school I saw our 'group' waiting by some lockers, Amethyst spotted me and then smiled uncontrollably when she saw I was still holding Destery’s hand, I quickly noticed and pulled my hand away.

“Too late Mysty, I already saw it, so are you two an item then?” she asked me while taking quick glances at Des.

“Erm, I don’t know.” I said blushing a deep crimson colour.

“Omg she's blushing, they're so going out!” Nate practically screamed to the whole school, many people turned around and I turned even redder.

“Okay, I need to go to the office to pick up my schedule again, I kind of lost it.” I said playing with my fingers.

“What are we going to do with you Mysty? Come on I’ll take you.” Amy said practically dragging me away, I saw Destery mouth something, and I think he said he loved me but I wasn't sure. When we finally got to the office the receptionist had to go into the back to get it, I noticed the security camera screens behind the desk, I couldn't help notice that the automatic doors at the front suddenly opened and nobody walked in, there was no one near them so I couldn't have been a mistake, it must be one of my kind, a vampire. The lady came back with my schedule and I headed off towards my algebra class to find Destery and Skylar sitting at the back of the class with a lot of people staring at them. They turned around and when She saw me she smiled devilishly.

“Sky ... what are you doing here?' I asked verging on rage.
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Second update of the day, wow you are some lucky readers cause i'm really lazy most of the time lol its a miracle :P
Can someone please comment? i want some constructive feedback before i post anymore chapters XD