Status: Updates are rare, i'm focusing on one story right now, check it out on my profile! xD

The Girl At The Back Wearing Black

untitled - aka i cba to think of a title XD

Earlier that day …


me and Devon were at my apartment, you know just messing about, trying to kill time. I really like Devon but I have no idea whether he likes me back or not, if I were to ask then it could ruin our friendship. we ended up playing nervous, as I slid my hand up his leg i asked him devilishly 'are you nervous?' he looked up at me and stared, not in a stalker kind of way, more like embarrassed and confused. There was an awkward silence and the atmosphere was getting tense but that way all broken by the sound of my phone ringing, I let out a sigh of relief which seemed to trigger an emotion from Devon but I just shrugged it off and ran to answer the phone.

“Yellow?” I asked while gently pressing the phone against my ear.

“Hello, its Mikey, I’ve got a job for you. Mysty's been acting weird lately, like she's hiding something from us, I want you to follow her as much as you can to keep an eye on her. Do what ever you can to make sure she's completing her mission; we can't afford to loose this one. You have 3 days and then I want feedback. Goodbye.” Mikey spoke quite fast so I didn't quite catch most of what he said, he has this way of speaking on the phone where he will say everything needed in one sentence and then hang up not caring whether you understood or not. I started to curse at the phone to vent my aggression towards Mikey and then put it back on the charger and walked back to the sofa where Devon was sitting waiting patiently.

“What’s up?” he asked nervously, obviously realizing my shocked expression.

“We've got to go, Mikey wants us to keep an eye on Mysty for a while, just to make sure she's carrying out the mission successfully, apparently it’s quite important.” I said while grabbing my jacket and gesturing Devon to do the same as I started to walk out of the door.

We soon arrived at her new high school, it was full of preppy little teenagers, and this was quite amusing to Devon since he became a vampire hundreds of years ago so he has experienced many stereotypes over the years. I noticed that there were security cameras all over the place but they wouldn't be able to see us since, well, we're dead. Also it seemed like the school that didn't care much about attendance so that wouldn't be a problem slipping into classes for a couple of days. We eventually found a math’s class which Mysty had mentioned her teacher was a balding fat ass man, he was conveniently sat at the front of the classroom so i slipped inside while Devon went to the boys room. i walked in and got a few odd stares but thought this normal as i did look quite gothic, there was another emo guy sitting at the back so i sat next to him. He looked at me oddly.

“Do i know you?” he asked quite angrily, he must have been saving a seat for someone.

“No, I’m new, my name is Skylar, do you know mystic by any chance?' i asked quite flirtingly.

“Ugh, yeah, we're kinda close.” he said partially blushing. This must have been the guy she was supposed to recruit, i could smell, almost taste the rare blood pumping through his unworthy body.

“I knew her from my last school, is she in this class?” i asked again playing with my hair a little but then i heard the door open and saw a quite distressed mystic in the door way.

“Guys ... what are you doing here?' she asked almost near to rage, i could hear it in her voice.

“Hey mystic, can we talk for a second?” i asked getting up.

“We've got class, we can't just walk out.” she said almost in a murmur but quite understandable. I decided that we needed and excuse so i worked my magic, literally, i meekly pointed at her nose for a while which made the blood slowly drip from her nostril. God I love being a vampire, the perks are delicious.

“Sir, we've got a nose bleed here, gotta go!” i said, not even receiving acknowledgment from the teacher and steering Mysty out into the hall.


“So, what are you and Devon doing here? I’ve already "seen" (i put action air quotes when i said it) you 2 on the camera.” i said nearly shouting but not loud enough to disrupt other classes going on.

“We just came to check up on you, Mikey is a bit suspicious of you, i think he can tell you're not getting on with the mission like you normally do.” she said innocently.

“Okay, but what about that stuff with Des, i saw you flirting with him.” i asked probably going a darker pink colour.

“Oh that was just some harmless fun, anyway, you know i like Devon,” she said looking around just to make sure he wasn't already back from his ‘trip’. “So, are you going to do ‘it’?”She asked emphasizing the "it" part.

“What?” asked someone from behind me. Shit.
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COMMENT! i'm being nice and giving you an update, now pleeeease ... someone please comment <3