Status: Updates are rare, i'm focusing on one story right now, check it out on my profile! xD

The Girl At The Back Wearing Black

Uh oh!

I turned around on my heel and was met with the shocked and questioning face of Destery.

“Oh, nothing, its nothing.” I said, turning a deep crimson colour.

“Yeah, sure,” he said, sounding angrier than before “I’m going back to class.” I watched him walk back into the class room, he probably thought that ‘it’ was sex and that I was using him, I then shot daggers at Skylar.

“Thanks a lot.” I said sarcastically.

“Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't ...” she spoke but I cut her off mid sentence.

“Sorry isn't good enough, you've probably fucked everything up now, why don't you and lover boy just get lost, I don't need babysitting, I can handle it myself.” I practically screamed at her before entering the classroom again. I sat down next to Destery and managed to form a smile but he just turned his head facing away from, the rest of the lesson made me feel like shit since Des was blatantly ignoring me, I tried to hold back the tears that were building in my eyes but let one escape. Normally no one would care less if I cried but I still felt a pair of eyes on me, I looked up to see whether it was the teacher but eventually turned to see Destery staring at me with apologetic eyes which then averted to the sheet hand out, he ripped the corner off of it then scribbled on it quickly and handed it to me. I opened it up and saw written in the neatest quick writing I’ve ever seen:

I’m really sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry, forgive me? Please?

I replied back

I forgive you, I’m sorry for crying, I’m such a girl

He read it and smiled, then wrote back.

well duh, and a pretty girl at thatt

I couldn't help smile and blush at this comment, I’m sure Destery noticed as he reached for my hand under the table. It felt like only a few seconds but the lesson had ended with the abrupt sound of the bell for lunch, Des and I walked out onto the field, still hand in hand, he sat down under the oak tree and pulled we down by my waist onto his lap. I rested my head on his shoulder as he slowly moved his fingers through my hair.

“Mysty?” he asked slowly.

“Hmm?” I replied, still half zoned out of reality.

“I wanted to ask you something, but I don't know what you will say, and if you say no then it will ...” he spoke quite jittery so I cut him of mid sentence to save him from embarrassing himself further.

“Its okay, just ask me, I’m pretty sure the answer will be yes.” I said sweetly

“What if I were to ask you if you were a rapist?” he asked jokily

“Still yes.” I said with a laugh

“But seriously, I wanted to ask you ... if you would ... be my girlfriend?” he asked, saying the last part barely slow enough for any human to understand but then again, I wasn't human, though I could tell what he said by the pleading look on his face. I just stared at him for a while but before his mouth could fall into a frown I leaned in towards him and pressed my lips onto his, this kiss meant way more than the first, it just felt right, I pulled away slowly and looked deep into his eyes.

“Did that answer your question?” I asked

“Yeah.” he said, kind of releasing the breath of nerves he was holding in. I leaned in for another kiss, watching his eyes slowly close and his lips puckering to prepare but just as I was less than a centimeter away from him I stopped, his face was priceless, filled with lust and wanting.

“Hey, don't tease me, that's not fair.” he said quite disappointed with an adorable pout on his face.

“Life's not fair, get used to it. But if you really want that kiss … you'll have to catch me first.” I said getting up quickly and making a run for it, he was right on my tail and soon tackled me and pinned me to the ground, thank god he was so light. I looked up into his eyes, the sunlight had hit them just right that they sparkled just like stars, cheesy I know but it’s true. He leaned in closer to me and I was waiting for the pressure of his lips to join to mine but it never came. I looked back up to see Destery smiling slyly.

“Pay back.” he said cockily

“Hey, that's not nice.” I said pouting, mirroring the face he made moments ago.

“Now you know how it feels.” he said but eventually kissed me properly, we were still on the ground with him on top of me kissing when I heard someone cough as if to interrupt intentionally. I pulled back from the kiss to see Amy and Nate staring at us.

“Sorry to interrupt ... Well actually I’m not all that sorry cause you's was grossing me out.” Nate said with his unmistakable Texan accent, still squirming slightly.

“Shut up ass wipe.” Destery said getting off of me and lifting me off of the ground.

“So? Are you guys officially going out now?” Amy asked. Me and Destery just looked at each other and immediately locked our hands together and smiled back at Amy and Nate.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” she said laughing. “Well, we just wanted to know whether you guys were coming to the Bring Me The Horizon concert on Saturday?”

“Sure, sounds great.” Destery said still staring at me lovingly.

“Okay, see ya later.” Nate said walking off towards the art blocks with Amy.

“I can't be asked to go to science, shall we skip?” Destery asked me.

“Sure, but where would we go?” I asked

“We could go back to mine, my parents are at work.” he suggested.

“Okay.” I said following him through the back fence of the school field and off into the direction of our street. He opened the door to his house for me like a gentlemen and we went up the stairs to his bedroom, I sat down next to him on his bed.

“So ... what should we do now?” I asked

“We could do this.” he said leaning in closer towards me, his warm lips were soon pressed against mine, his mouth pleading for access to mine but I didn't let him in, not yet. I think my vampire instincts were kicking in because I really wanted to bite his neck, his blood was literally screaming at me to drink it. I nibbled it lightly at first but then I felt my fangs slowly elongate and puncture his neck, the metallic taste of blood was so good but I had to stop to keep him alive. I pulled away, wiping the blood from my mouth with the back of my hand, seeing his limp body just lying there was terrible. I just cuddled up next to him and kept apologizing even though he was unconscious. I decided to ring Mikey to tell him that the deed was done, I quickly punched in the number on my mobile.

“Hello? Mystic?” he answered, he must have caller id, either that or he's a really good guesser.

“Its done.” was all I said before cuddling back up to the now cold body of my boyfriend.
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dun dun dun! lol another update! i'm so glad that you guys are reading this cause the last site i posted it on didn't like it that much <3