Status: Updates are rare, i'm focusing on one story right now, check it out on my profile! xD

The Girl At The Back Wearing Black

It's saturday, we're having take out for dinner, and oh yeah, you're a vampire.


All I remembered was making out with Mysty, then feeling an immense pain in my neck and blacking out. With no recognition of what had happened earlier I awoke in a strange room, still with the painful sensation in my neck, I also felt a craving for something strange, and then I noticed that I was lying on a bed in a room with Mysty asleep in the chair next to the bed. She looked so cute when she was asleep, as if at peace with the world rather than her usual tense atmosphere of sarcastic comments. Her nose would wrinkle up every now and again, I don't know why I spoke her name out loud since she was obviously asleep, but when I did I saw her break an uneasy smile. I sat up on the bed, I couldn't help but stare at the sleep beauty sitting next to me, I must have looked like a weirdo but all I was doing was admiring her unique features. I loved everything about her, the electric blue in her eyes (although I could not see them at this moment in time) matched the streaks in her long black hair, her mouth was so delicate as if designed by an amazing artist, it was petite and her lips were a rosy red colour with a silver stud Monroe piercing just above her kissable lips.. I guess she must have noticed someone was staring at her, and obviously didn't realize where she was or who with, much like when she fell asleep in class, as if she had been up all night every night or something.

“Take a picture, it will last longer.” She commented in a hushed tone before fluttering her long black lashes and revealing her luminous blue eyes, they seemed to dance as they fell on me but then her smile turned to a frown.

NORMAL P.O.V (aka Mystic)

I guess I fell asleep waiting for Destery to come out of his unconscious state, I felt so bad for doing that to him, he didn't deserve it. I suddenly heard a creaking noise, I didn't want to open my eyes incase I was in school, but I had this strange feeling that someone was watching me, it made me angry so I remarked something I would normally say to a gawping jock in algebra class. I decided to face it and open my eyes, when I did I saw a quite taken back looking Destery sitting on 'the bed' in which our victims slept until they had become full vampires, I smiled when I saw him but then it was lost when I remembered what I’d turned him into. A blood lusting, human stalking monster praying on the sweet blood of the living, just like me. Aren’t we wonderful creatures of the night? (Would you like a side of ignorance with that sarcasm? LOL :P).

“Are you okay?” I asked sheepishly.

“Yeah, I think so, what happened? I don't remembered anything after … well ... you know.” he said blushing a deep crimson colour, it was so adorable.

“I can't tell you, you’ll hate me, all you need to know is your one of us now.” I said with a sense of authority in my voice.

“I could never hate you … one of what?” he asked, why did he have to ask so many questions? I decided to bring up the courage to tell him, or at least think about doing so.

“You really wanna know?” I asked, making sure he was serious.

“Yes.” he sounded sure enough.

“Promise you won't freak out, please believe me, and don't ever leave me.” I said, it sounded quite cheesy but it got the message across clearly.

“I promise.” he said taking my feeble hand and entwining his fingers in mine. Here goes …

“Well ...” I said, gulping in fear “You see, a couple of years ago I was in the park and stumbled across these people, then one of them bit my neck and I became one of them, you know, a vampire, and don't think I’m lying because its all true, and now you are one too since we choose to hunt for rare blood like yours.” I said almost in one breath, as if it were the most casual thing in the world. He looked shocked and confused, and then he smiled a little.

“Your pulling my leg, aren't you?” he asked, a little unsure.

“No, I’m serious.” I said bluntly. His smile turned back to a frown, he just stared at me with what looked like disgust and pure hatred.

“Well, say something.” I said, nervously. He just sat there for a few moments more before he murmured something I didn't quite catch, something like 'how could you?', something along those lines, then he ran out of the warehouse to I don't know where. Why the fuck did I have to screw things up so bad?
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Another update! Yay! keep reading and subscribing!