Status: Updates are rare, i'm focusing on one story right now, check it out on my profile! xD

The Girl At The Back Wearing Black



“Well ...” she said, gulping in what seemed like fear, it couldn't be that bad what she was about to tell me, could it? “You see, a couple of years ago I was in the park and stumbled across these people, then one of them bit my neck and I became one of them, you know, a vampire, and don't think I’m lying because its all true, and now you are one too since we choose to hunt for rare blood like yours.” she said almost in one breath. I must have looked shocked and confused, because I was. Mysty's a vampire?! WTF?! She must be trying to pull a fast one on me, I started to smile slightly.

“Your pulling my leg, aren't you?” I asked, a little unsure.

“No, I’m serious.” she said bluntly. My smile turned back to a frown, I just stared at her with disgust and pure hatred, how could she do this to me? Why didn't she tell me? How am I supposed to live a normal life now that I am the living dead? All these thoughts were rushing through my head so fast I almost didn't hear Mysty speak.

“Well, say something.” she said, nervously. I just sat there like a lost puppy for a few moments more before standing up.

“How could you?” I said barely above a whisper, then I just ran, I didn't know where I was going but I wasn't going to stay there, that's for sure. I felt kinda bad but I was so scared, I couldn't face her, not yet anyways.


Its been 4 days since I’d spoken to Destery, he wasn't at school, he wasn't even at home, Nate said he went around there the other day and his mom said he only came back home once for money and then left again. I felt so bad, I made him this way. When you first become a vampire everything has to form properly like teeth and such, plus you get an uncontrollable blood lust that seems to tear out your insides. I had to find him before he did something he was likely to regret. Grabbing my bag I stood up and walked over to the door of my geography classroom.

“Mystic, where do you think you're going, young lady?” asked the teacher; ugh I hate being called a child! I’m like 5 times as old as her so why can't she take that thing shoved up her arse side ways out and go screw off somewhere else?! Okay so maybe I lied to Des, it
wasn’t 2 years ago, it was 200, but same thing, right? I flipped her off and headed out of the classroom, out of the school and down the streets. I searched though street after street, going into stores, everywhere. I soon became tired and felt useless so I went to the park, my only haven. Walking over to an old oak tree I set my bag down and tried to get comfortable under the tree but it wasn't going to happen anytime soon so I threw my bag over my shoulder and started to climb the tree and eventually sat on a sturdy branch. Swinging my legs back and forth, lost in my own little world, I was completely unaware of the world around me which was really kind of stupid since I ended up slipping off the branch, I braced myself for the hard ground but it never came, I landed on something much softer that made an 'oof' sound when I landed. I looked up into those all too familiar icy blues and could see a mix of shock, pain and quite clearly confusion.

“Oops.” I said giggling slightly, his face softened as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

“I’m sorry.” whispered Destery.

“You’re sorry? I’m the one who should be sorry.” I said hugging him back “I turned you into a blood lusting monster.”

“Gee, thanks.” he said laughing, but the fear was still there in-between his cheerful grin.

“Where have you been?” I asked, fiddling with the hem of his shirt innocently.

“No where.” he said back innocently smirking.

“Okay now you're being childish.” I said, hand on hips.

“Yeah but you know you love it.” he said smiling and pulling me into his lap. I got comfortable as he played with my hair with his fingers.

“I missed you.” he said but it was muffled slightly by his face in my hair.

“Then why did you leave?” I asked.

“I don’t know, I was just scared, I didn't know what to do, I didn't know who I was anymore.” he said, gripping me tighter, it sounded as if he were about to cry.

“Don’t worry, you've got me?” I said more like a question, I still didn't know whether we were together or not.

“Yeah, and I’m never letting you go.” he said, aw, I turned up to face him and he was smiling showing near all of his teeth. Then he leaned forward until our lips touched, we weren't even kissing, our lips were just lingering together for a while until he put his hand behind my head to bring me closer to him. I followed suit and put my arms around his neck, our lips moving in unison. We sat kissing for a while until we both pulled away for air, both smiling really big, I just hugged him again, and I wanted to be close to him, forever and always.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dedicated to unfathomable for being the only person to comment on this story, thank you! <3
this one was kinda filler-ish, and it will probably be a while until i update again :(