Status: Updates are rare, i'm focusing on one story right now, check it out on my profile! xD

The Girl At The Back Wearing Black


Destery and I had been dating for a few weeks now, in this short amount of time I had never been happier, but also I had never been more edgy. I was just waiting, counting the days until the inevitable happened. I knew it was going to happen, it always did at the wrong time. Since I turned Destery into a blood sucking vampire, I realised that I wanted to spend the rest of eternity with him by my side, but I also realised that I had completed my mission. This being said, it meant that I was going to be relocated. It means that the head vampires will have to come up with another crazy excuse for my family to move towns.

It completely and utterly sucks, to put it lightly. I’ll have to leave behind my newly found friends, probably my current vampire cult and most importantly, Destery. I just can’t bare the thought of being that far away from him, we’ve been through so much in such a short amount of time and I physically can’t give him up, not yet. It’s like I’m addicted to him, his smell, his touch, everything about him really. He has the tender hold which tugs on my heart strings every time he so much as smiles at me, the happy emotion filling his eyes. I couldn’t lose him, for anything, to anyone, especially Lucy. She pretends to be all sweet and innocent but really she’s a complete slag who needs to keep her eagle talons off of my boyfriend!. Lately I’ve noticed things with her, like when Destery is around she will blatantly undress him with her eyes and then deny it, liar . I’ve even caught them both in compromising situations, but chose to shrug it off, not because I think she won’t try anything, because she will, but for the plain reason that I have enough belief in Destery to trust him not to cheat on me, although that can’t be said for Lucy.

Over this amount of time had evolved as a vampire, there comes a time in every vampire’s life where they will finally sprout wings. But this doesn’t just happen on its own, no, you need to do something to gain them. As the old saying goes, ‘every angel vampire has got to earn their wings’. Since I had now completed over 100 missions I had finally earned my wings, it was quite painful when they were forming out of my back, much like it would with wisdom teeth growing, the aching is always there. I took a long, painful week for them to form but now I have fully functional wings, covered with fluffy black feathers which help me to blend into the night sky when I am out hunting. It’s great that they can just mould back into my back at any given time, because they could cause a problem if they were permanently out in the open, can you imagine having to explain that to people in the school locker room?

Well, that’s enough of me updating my life so far, there are more important things at hand. Like the fact I’m meeting with Mikey in a few minutes for a meeting, which will most likely be him explaining how I’m being relocated again, I’m pretty used to it by now. I suddenly heard Mikey’s voice bellow for me, bringing me back to earth from my own little world. I complied with his wishes and arose from my seat were I proceeded to enter his office where he was sat at a desk, his feet rested on the corner of it casually.

“Mysty, please, take a seat.” He smiled at me, a smile which is neither cheerful nor comforting, one that sometimes makes me sick to my stomach. Here it comes …
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*gasp* sorry that its been so long since i posted a chapter, i've been focusing mainly on my other story which is a Frank Iero fanfiction, you should check it out xD
also, this is only half of the chapter which i have written, i posted this just to see whether people still want me to continue with this story, if i don't get enough good feed back and subscribers that i shall simply stop writing this story. i'm not going to continue writing a story nobody wants to read.