Status: i don't have my computer as of 09/04/10. i need to focus on my school work. but maybe if you comment, i can steal it back. i need to know you care.

I Will Possess Your Heart

but in a language that you can't read, just yet

Today around fourth period, which I have with Spencer, he mentioned that he hadn’t seen Aubrey in third, which they had together. I thought nothing of it because she skipped classes all the time. But then during lunch, she wasn’t there. And Aubrey never misses lunch. Even if she doesn’t sit with us, she’s always at least in the cafeteria.

That’s when the worry began. And I knew I should worry.

I ran to the parking lot. I looked around for his car. I saw it pulling out the school’s parking lot. Speeding. I jumped into my car and began to follow his. I called Spencer from my cell phone and told him everything and to call the police.

I followed him for what felt like years away from the high school. I saw him make a turn, I followed his car. Then, he just disappeared. I began to freak out, because now I was surrounded by woodlands on either side of me. I looked to my side and I saw him run, laughing.

I pulled over began running toward him.


I was running, looking for her. I had no idea where he would take her. My heart was beating faster than I thought it could. I was beyond panic, beyond frenzy. I was in this daze where all I could think about was saving Aubrey.

I continued running through the woods where I had seen him run into. And then I thought. I remembered him always bragging about the cabin his parents owned near Salt Lake and how if he ever ran away, that’s where he would go. Gee, you would think he was smarter than that. But I guess not.

I ran back to my car. I knew where I had to go and I had to get there fast.


I had driven nonstop to the lake. I stopped for nothing other to get gas. I arrived 7 hours later; I had driven through the night. It made the drive feel longer, but anything to save Aubrey.
Now to find which cabin they were in. I figured Nick was stupid enough to bring his own car.

I drove around the lake twice, not finding it.

I looked around one more time. And I found him. I didn’t see his car, but I saw the bastard smoking on the porch. I stopped my car and ran right toward him.

And please remember that I am nowhere near his height or muscle mass but I do have a lot more common sense than he.

While he attempted to take swings at me, I could tell me was drunk. I took one strike at his face and then I kicked him right in the balls, knowing he would most likely kill me if didn’t. Once on the ground, I just repeatedly kicked him until he was unconscious.

I then ran into the house, looked everywhere for Aubrey. I listened to hear her, but I heard nothing. I searched every inch of the house. Then I noticed a door bolt locked. I looked around grabbed a pot and began hitting the lock. Eventually the lock broke and fell. I opened the door and ran down a flight of stairs. There was a light switch I turned on.

I saw a lifeless body huddled in the corner. I ran over and removed he blanket to see Aubrey. In her outfit that slightly resembled what she was wearing this morning. Certain parts were ripped and there was a large amount on blood coming from her leg and a large wound on her head.

I whispered her name “Aubrey” she remained unresponsive though. So I picked her up., surprised by how light she was. I got to my car, laid her down on the back seat and rushed to the nearest hospital. And called the police.
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that is the most intense thing i have ever written.
and if this was ad death!fic, i would have warned you.
i have a huge buffer on this story, and i plan on updating once a week, everyday on friday.
but that will only happen if i get at least three comments for each time i update.
ooo also today was/is the day of silence. i was part of it, if you were too, i'm proud of you.