Status: i don't have my computer as of 09/04/10. i need to focus on my school work. but maybe if you comment, i can steal it back. i need to know you care.

I Will Possess Your Heart

You gotta spend some time, love.

I was sitting in a hospital room, watching the love of my life slowly slip away. This is the most painful thing I’ve ever seen.

After I arrived at the hospital with Aubrey, they flew her over the hospital in Las Vegas, so her parents and family could see her. Everyone was grateful for what I did.

But the words of thanks they said couldn’t make me feel any better. No matter how many times her parents tearing hugged me for saving her life, I didn’t feel any better.

I remained sad because although I saved her from any further damage, I didn’t protect her in the first place. I wasn’t there when Nick had taken Aubrey into his trunk and drove her to the cabin and tied her up and beat her and did unmentionable things and then repeated until he was pleased. He went for a smoke and then, well you know the rest from there.

I know all this because the police knows this because Nick told them. He didn’t even bother lying to them, knowing I knew everything. They put him in holding for the time being, his trial would be schedule once they know Aubrey’s conditions, so they know what to classify it as.
That trial might take forever though. Aubrey is a mess, even more so than I am emotionally.

She was in a comma. They don’t know how long she had been unconscious, that’s half the problem. Another thing is she lost a lot of blood. Nick had stabbed her before he got her into the trunk, to make her unable to fight him. She had been bleeding for hours. And the wound on her head was from when he threw her down the stairs.

There was a lot of internal bleeding and she had a multiple broken ribs and a fractured skull. She wasn’t on life support. Thankfully she was still breathing on her own. This just proved how strong she was. She’s been here for nearly a week. I only leave the room for school, food, and when they tell me I have to leave for medical reasons. Other than that, I am glued to the chair next to her bed.

A few people from school have visited. I make Spencer come every now and then. Brent only came once or twice. Band practice has pretty much stopped because of me being here all the time. A few of Aubrey’s female friends came. They hugged and thanked me for helping her. Even Nick’s parent’s came to see, probably because their lawyer told them to, but it still meant a lot to Aubrey’s family.

I could tell my parents were beginning to worry about my mental health. I wasn’t cutting anymore, but I was considering doing horrible things if she didn’t make it through this. I was considering doing horrible things to Nick if he didn’t get committed for life for doing this to her.

Aubrey has been unresponsive to everything. They have tried playing different sounds, putting her in different lighting, having us talk to her. She didn’t even flinch. They ran MRIs and she had full brain activity. Nothing made sense. The tests said she was thinking, like any other person, who was not in her condition. But yet she didn’t show that at all.

They weren’t sure how long she would be in this comma. That what scares me the most, because I don’t know how much longer I can go with talking to her and seeing her smile again.
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i got my comments.
so you got your update.
but this time, i want comments from people who aren't my best friends, even though i love their comments, they're completely biased.
so three more comments by next friday and i'll update again.
i love you.