Status: i don't have my computer as of 09/04/10. i need to focus on my school work. but maybe if you comment, i can steal it back. i need to know you care.

I Will Possess Your Heart

and I know that you'll find love,

2 months later

Olivia and I were still together. I am just as surprised as you are. What I was even more surprised about was that she loved me. She said she loved me and I looked her in the eyes and said the same. It was a lie, but I felt it in the moment, and that’s what counts, right? Hind sight is always 20/20.

My parents are in love with Olivia too. They think she makes me happy. They think she cured my nightmares and my depression and that’s why I haven’t taken my medicine, because I don’t need it. They didn’t think it was because I wanted the nightmares because it was the only time I saw Aubrey anymore.

I had given up on going to the hospital, because I knew she wasn’t improving, my family would have dragged me down there if she was. I don’t think the Keatings gave up. Their car was rarely home.

My band was doing great. We were in the process of recording demos, something I never thought we would do. Brendon sings now. And I like it that way. As much as the lyrics mean a lot to me and I sing them with everything in me, hearing Brendon sing them, they somehow mean more.

Once these demos were recorded, we planned on sending them to everywhere. We even thought if this went places we could record a real album that people could buy in real stores across the world. But this was just a distant dream. That would probably never happen.

I was beginning to stop caring. Stop caring about Aubrey, about the band being successful in the long run. Not caring about me and Olivia working out in the long run. I was beginning to slip back into depression.
♠ ♠ ♠
just a filler.
but i promised an update if you guys commented,
and you did.
i also did this for kayt.
because, well life sucks, and so does being sad, and i don't want her being sad. and i figured this would make her happier.

i want 3 more comments in order for me to update on next friday.
i love you.