‹ Prequel: I'm Not Ok (I Promise)
Status: Finished!

And It's Saying You Love Me

3, 2, 1


I had called everyone to come over to our house for New Years Eve, that’s when we would tell our announcement. Everyone showed up.

"Its 11pm if we wait any longer they will all be drunk"

"Good idea" Kathy said as I stood up on a chair.

"Can I have everyone's attention, me and Kathy have an announcement" I said as the room went silent. "Ok, like I was saying before I got interrupted yesterday was I can't believe I'm saying this but me and Kathy, we are expecting" I said as I grabbed Kathy and kissed her.

"Oh my gosh, no way no way no way" Mikey and Alicia both said. I could see Frank and Meghan talking to Alex. I walked over.

"Now Alex will have someone to play with" I said

"Yea, I'm so happy for you guys I really am" Meghan said.

"Yea now you can tell Kathy the whole birth process"

"If I do that you might not be having a baby"

"Why you say that?'

"It’s scary"


"Yea, so I'll keep my mouth shut on that"

"It’s better if you do"

"What you guys talking about?" Kathy walked in.

"A playmate for Alex"

"Awe that would be so cute" she said as I started talking to her stomach.

"My little guys in there"

"Yea and my little guy is right here" Frank said holding Alex. It was five minutes to midnight, and I couldn't find Kathy anywhere. I finally found her in our room.

"Hey, what’s wrong?"

"Oh Gerard I can't have a baby"


"I'm not ready; we're not even married yet"

"Oh come on look at my sister, she was way to young and she had Alex you'll be fine, lets go celebrate its only a couple minutes to midnight"

"Oh fine" she said as we walked down and partied.

"10 seconds 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year" we all shouted. I kissed Kathy, and she kissed back.

"Happy New Year little miss sexy"

"Happy New Year" she said as she pulled me close to her.


I was so happy for Gerard and Kathy. It was almost midnight I went and found Meghan siting in a conner with Alex.

"Hello there"

"Hi" she smiled.

"What are you doing in the corner?"

"I like the corner. It’s comforting"

"Ok, come on lets go join the party and be happy"

"Fine" she said as we counted down.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year" we all shouted. I kissed Meghan.

"Happy New Year babe"

"Happy New Year"

"Happy New Year little guy" I said kissing the top of his head. Meghan put Alex in the playpen and pulled me close.

"For a better year"

"For a better year in 2008" she said kissing me. It was a good kiss I didn't want to let her go.

"That was good"

"Oh really" she said kissing me again. I put my hands around her waist. I picked her up.

"Oh Frank what are you doing?"

"You'll see" I said as I saw Mikey and Alicia kissing, and Kathy and Gerard kissing. I dropped her on the couch.

"Frankie" she whined.

"What?" I asked as she grabbed my collar and pulled me into a kiss.

"Oh I see what you want" I said as I took her to her old room, and tossed her on the bed.

"Jeez got to throw me like that"

"Sorry" I said as I kissed the top of her head.

"Now let’s get it on"

"Oh alright" she said in that sexy voice I loved. I jumped on her as she groaned.

"Frank if you keep jumping on me like that you're going to kill me"

"I'm sorry" I said kissing her. I put my hand up her shirt, pulling it off. It's been awhile since we had good sex, and I had a feeling this was going to be good sex.

"Wait!!" Meghan stopped me.

"What??" I whined

"That banging"

"Yea so it’s probably Gerard and Kathy in the other room" I said holding her back.

"You're right, it's just annoying" she said as the banging got louder.

"Ok, what the fuck are they doing over there" I got pissed off and I banged on the wall.

"There it stopped" I said proud of myself, as I took my shirt off and threw it at her.

"Hey" she said as I started kissing her. I slide her pants off as she wrapped her legs around me, when the banging came back.

"No I thought it was over"

"Just ignore it"

"It’s driving me crazy" I said as Gerard and Kathy came in the room making out.

"Ok wow"

"Oh my god, bad picture" Meghan yelled as she hid her face.

"Oh wow, Meghan put some clothes on, you to Frank"

"Why don't you" she yelled pointing at Gerard who was only wearing boxers.

"I don't mind standing half naked" I said posing.

"Frank is this yours?" Gerard asked picking up a shirt.


"Good put it on"

"No, if that wasn't you two in the other room, then it must have been Mikey and Alicia. Man do they make a lot of noise, and I mean a lot" I said with wide eyes

"I just have one tiny question" Meghan said still under the covers.

"Yea what is it?"

"Why are you two in here?"

"We didn't know you guys were in here, and Mikey and Alicia took our room" Kathy explained

"Sorry" Gerard said as I kept posing.

"Ok Frank stop that"

"Yea, yea, but ain't I sexy"

"Oh yea"

"Oh you know you wanna piece of me"

"Frank don't start singing please" Meghan begged, but ignored her and starting singing Brittany Spears piece of me.

"Oh dear" Meghan said. I kept singing when someone smacked my ass. I thought it was Meghan, but it turns out it was Gerard.

"Told you, you wanted a piece of me"

"I did that so you would stop"

"Well I'm not going to" He then leaned in and kissed me. He wasn't as good as Mikey, but he was still good. I didn't want him to stop. I pulled him close.

"Ok Frank" he said trying to pull away.

"Sorry" I said looking apologetic.

"Its ok" he said as he took Kathy by the hand and left the room.

"Well let’s get back to where we were" I said as we had sex...
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Yeah this a little out dated!