‹ Prequel: I'm Not Ok (I Promise)
Status: Finished!

And It's Saying You Love Me



It was my first day of school- High school that is- I was ready, but I wasn't ready.

"You ready?" Frank called as he and Alex walked into the room.

"Yea, I'm as ready as I'll ever be"

"Ok, I'm driving you and picking you up at what time again?"


"Ok, let’s go” We got into the car and he drove me. I got there and of coarse I was late for class. The teacher assigned us lockers, which was in the busiest hallway ever. My stupid binder was so fat it didn't want to go in my locker.

"Here let me help you with that" this guy said. He helped me than walked off. He was cute- what about Frank, thoughts went through my mind. Well it’s not like I'm going to see him again, I thought.

At lunch I say him again- weird. He came up to me,

"Hey didn't I help you this morning?"

"Yea and thanks"

" Are you new here?"


"What grade you in?"


"Wow really"

"Yea. Why?"

"You look older, I'm in grade 12"

"And you’re talking to me?" I was confused, why was this really cute grade 12 talking to me.

"So what’s your name?" I asked him.

"Oh just call me dude"

"Ok dude"

"What’s yours?"

"Meghan" I was afraid should I tell him I'm taken. I debated about it for a minute before I decided to tell him.

"I'm taken, just let you know" he started laughing. "What’s so funny?"

"I don't want to date you; I just want to be friends"

"Oh" I must have been red as a tomato cause sure was I embarrassed. "And just for the record I'm gay" he said as he left. I was speechless. Wow I had met someone gay. At the end of the day I saw Frank with Alex.

"Hey hun how was your first day?"

"It was ok, I met a gay guy"

"A gay guy"

"Yea, he was so cool and nice" I said as I told him the whole day all the way home.


Alicia and I were just about to sit down t dinner, when Frank, Meghan and Alex came over.

"Hey" Frank yelled as Meghan laughed.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?"

"Oh we thought we'd just stop by"

"Oh that's cool" I said as I held Alex.

"Hey little guy" I said playing around with him.

"Awe Mikey you would be such a good dad"

"It seems everyone's a dad these days"

"Awe Mikey its ok, you'll be a father someday"

"I know, hopefully soon" I said looking at Alicia.

"Oh Mikey" Alicia said hugging me.

"We will be parents, very very soon"

"Why you say that?"

"Because I believe I'm pregnant" she said showing us the home pregnancy test.

"Ahhhh, I'm so happy for you guys" Meghan squealed as tears came to my eyes. "You will be a father after all"

"Yea" I said crying, this must have been the happiest moment ever.

"How many months are you pregnant?" I asked Alicia.

"2 Months"

"Oh Kathy is 4 months"

"That’s cute, having kids at the same time"

"I know this is way off topic, but when is Bob coming out of the hospital?"

"I heard he was out"

"Then we should go visit him to tell him the good news"

"Good idea lets go" I said as we all got into my car. I was going to be a father I thought all the way there. We knocked on his door. No answer. The door was open so we just walked in.

"Bob you here?"

"Yo Bob" Frank shouted. We were about to leave when Bob came out of a room.

"Bob" we shouted as we ran to greet him.

"Hey guys whatcha doing here?"

"We came to tell you some really great news” Alicia said. I saw Bob looking at Meghan. I was worried, suddenly I wasn't happy anymore

"Bob are you coming back?" A girl said.

"Uh Bob who's this?"

"A friend of mine" he said as he brought her out. "Guys this is my new girlfriend Raven" he said really happy.

"Hi" she said shyly.


"Well Alicia and I have an announcement for you" I said "Alicia and I are going to be parents, Alicia is pregnant" I said as the tears came again.

"Oh wow congratulations"


"Oh and Gerard, and Kathy are going to be parents too, Kathy's pregnant" I told Bob.

"Wow really?"


"Did you guys like plan that?"

"No it just happened" I said as I hugged Alicia.


I had met Bob's girlfriend and she was really nice.

"Hey Meghan" Bob came up to me.

"Hi" I said kind of nervous, I could feel Mikey’s eyes looking at me.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure" I said shyly.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything"

"Stop saying that"

"Well I am"

"I believe you just stop saying it"

"Ok I will"

"Why are you yelling?" Mikey came over.


"He keeps saying sorry"


"What he did"

"Oh, Bob I think we all get your sorry, you can stop we want to put this behind us"


"So how long have you been seeing your new girlfriend, what’s her name again?"

"Her name is Raven and I've been seeing her for about 2 days"

"Oh that’s cool, I'm happy for you" I said hugging him.

"What’s going on?" Frank asked walking in.

"Oh nothing just congratulating Bob, with his new girlfriend"

"Oh ok" he said as he came over and kissed me...
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This is the second last chapter.. I'll post an different ending if you guys want me to!