‹ Prequel: I'm Not Ok (I Promise)
Status: Finished!

And It's Saying You Love Me



I had walked out, and walked away from Frank, yet again. I keep doing that I really don't think me and Frank were made for each other. But we keep getting back together, I don't get it. I had no idea where I was going. I kept walking until I got to the park. I started swinging on the swings. I kept swinging when I swear I saw Jarko! No it can't be. I just kept my head down maybe he won't see me. He walked right by. Maybe it wasn't him, who knows. Man it was freezing, I wanted to go home and hug Frank, but maybe it was better that we were apart. What about Alex, oh man I hate him. This is all happening way to fast. I'm not ready, maybe Alicia and Mikey should adopt him. It would be better for him. As I thought of all this stuff, I started crying. I'm such a suck these days, I cry for everything. I tired to stop, it didn't really work. I'm such a loser.


Mikey had left the room, let me have my space. Were we really over or was she gonna come home and hug me, and tell me how much she loves me. Maybe we needed space, but the last time we did that we got into a really big fight, but we got back together.

"I should go out and look for her" I said to Alex my son. "What do you think?" Alex made funny noises. "I'll take that as a yes, ok lets go look for mommy" I said as I put him in his stroller and we went out.


I decided to leave the house I was feeling better. I walked over to the park to find Meghan crying.


"Bob" she looked up and ran over to me.

"Hey, what's wrong why you crying?"

"Frank and I again"
"Oh you two I swear you guys shouldn't be together"


"Oh uh that came out wrong"

"No it's ok Bob, I like honesty, Frank has a hard time with that"

"Oh" I said as she hugged me again. "Hey, what happened to your stomach?"

"Oh I had the baby, it was a boy, and we named him Alex" she said all happy.

"Well congratulations"

"Thank you Bob" she said as she looked up at me. I couldn't help it I went and kissed her. "Oh my"

"I'm sorry"

"It's ok Bob I just wasn't ready"

"Oh ok" I said as I kissed her again. "Where you ready that time?"

"A little, what was that for?"

"I don't know I just wanted to"


"Yeah, I'm sorry"

"It's ok Bob, you don't have to keep apologizing, its ok"

"Ok do you, uh wanna come over to my house?"

"Sure, I'm freezing"

"Ok" I said as we walked to my house...