‹ Prequel: I'm Not Ok (I Promise)
Status: Finished!

And It's Saying You Love Me

Fighting leads to...


I could hear fighting inside. I had no idea what was happening. Alicia opened the door.

"Oh thank God you guys are here “she said as me, Meghan, and Alex came in.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Mikey got into a fight with Bob and I think it’s your fault" she said pointing at Meghan.

"Oh no" Meghan said as she ran over into the living room, where they were fighting. I had never seen them fight like that. "Guys stop, STOP" she yelled as the two of them looked at her. "What are you guys doing?"

"Well since you told, I don't want you kissing guys no more" he yelled in her face.


"No buts, and for you, stay away from my sister" he said pointing at Bob.

"What is going on here, would someone care to explain" I said.

"Frank" Meghan said.


"Well you know how I said I cheated on you, well it was with Bob" she said.

"You cheated on me with Bob"



"Yes, Bob, HOLY COMLY"

"Then why the hell are you fighting with him?" I asked Mikey.

"Because he kissed Meghan"

"I kiss her all the time, and looked what happened" I said pointing at Alex.

"That’s what I'm afraid of, I don't want it to happen again" Mikey said crying.

"Oh Mikey don't cry"

"I can't help it" he said as he sat on the couch.

"Mikey are you ok?"


"Are you sure?"


"What’s wrong?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"If it was ok with everyone, we would like to be alone"

"Oh no problem" they all mumbled as they moved into the kitchen.

"So what's bugging you?"

"First I hate you for getting my sister knocked up"

"I'm sorry man you know I am"

"I know and I forgave you, second Gerard I haven't seen him since he announced his engagement"

"Well he's probably having fun with his soon to be wife"

"Yea but to forget family at Christmas, that’s not like him"

"I don't know. Have you tried calling him?"


"Oh there’s a problem there, how about we go over to his house to see him"

"Uh alright, we'll go" he said kind of nervous about it. We walked into the kitchen.

"Hey sorry Bob" Mikey apologized.

"It’s alright"

"Well Mikey and I are going over to Gerard's house, we'll be back soon"

"Ok, I'll miss you" Meghan said as she held onto my arm.

"I'll miss you more"

"No you won't" she said kissing my nose.

"Oh yes I will" I said kissing her.

"Fine then, but I'll still miss you, bye"

"Bye” she said as we walked out the door and into Mikey’s car.


"I'm really sorry Bob that, that happened"

"It’s ok"

"Ok, Mikey gets little mental break downs sometimes"

"Yes I've noticed" Bob said as Alex began to cry.

"Awe he’s so cute" Bob said as I fed him.

"I know. So what’s everyone doing for new years?" I asked, only because new years is two days away.

"Mikey and I are going to say home" Alicia said.

"How about we all get together" I suggested.

"That’s a good idea" bob said.

"Uh is it possible if I could get some more ice over here, Mikey has a good punch" Bob said.

"Oh sure Bob, is your head still sore?"

"A little"

"Did I give you Advil already, I can't remember" Alicia said trying to remember.

"No you didn't"

"Oh I'll get you some" she said as she ran up the stairs.

"Oh poor Bob, you sure you’re alright?"

"Yes Meghan I am alright. So you and Frank back together?"

"Yea" I said as I put Alex in the playpen.

"He looks like Frank"

"I know" I said as I looked up and smiled at Bob. Then he leaned in and kissed me.


"Ops, I couldn't help it"

"You love me that much?" I said laughing.

"Yea" he said as he pulled me into a hug.

"You know you love me"

"Hey not like that I love you Bob, but as a friend, I love Frank"

"I know that's why you’re kissing me" he said

"Wha-" I got cut off he kissed me but this time I couldn't move. I was stuck. He then picked me up and brought me to the bathroom.

"Oh Bob no" I said as he closed the door and locked it. "Bob" I cried. "Stop crying you know you want this"

"No I don't" I could hear Alicia coming down the stairs.

"Alicia, HELP ME" I yelled hopefully she heard me. I could hear footsteps coming closer.



"Did you lock yourself in the bathroom again?


"Shut up" Bob whispered. I could hear her fiddle with lock, and the door opened.

"Meghan, Bob?" She said as she saw me lying on the floor with my pants at my ankles and Bob on top of me. He looked pretty shocked. I was scared. "Bob what are you doing?" She asked so shocked.

"Uh" Bob said and left the room.

"Is this why Mikey fought with him" I nodded my head. "Oh dear" she said helping me up...