‹ Prequel: I'm Not Ok (I Promise)
Status: Finished!

And It's Saying You Love Me

Oh Frankie


Kathy and I had been out looking for our wedding, so far we have a church, a very nice looking church. And we picked a hall for the reception. All in a days work.

"So what are we going to do when we get home?" I asked.

"I'm going to make dinner" Kathy said.

"Oo whatcha making?"


"Ooo yum" I said as we got to our floor. We reached our house, and Mikey and Frank were making out.

"Oh my god" I yelled. They didn't even stop. "Guys. Can you believe these two! I wonder how long they've been there." I said as I walked into the house. I came back out, they were still at it.

"Michael James Way" I yelled. They stopped.

"Oh your home" Frank said.

"We were waiting for you to come home"

"How long have you been kissing my brother?"

"I don't know, but it was longer than three hours"

"You're kidding me"

"No" Mikey said.

"What the hell you guys doing down hear anyway?"

"We wanted to talk, mind if we come in?"

"Uh no come in" I let them in, Mikey and Frank were whispering to each other. "What are you two a couple?" I asked sitting down.


"So what do you want to talk about?"

"Well number one we never saw you at Christmas, where the hell were you?" Mikey said speaking up.

"Oh man sorry guys I know about that, well I was here with Kathy"

"What just because mom and dad are gone, we're still a family Gerard"

"I know"

"And second I bet you didn't know Frank has a son"

"WHAT?" I said jumping up.

"Yes Alexander Frank Iero, he was born on December 25, I should know I was the one who delivered the baby"

"What there were no doctors?"

"Yea, there were but they wanted to put her in a different room, to give birth alone, but she wanted me, she wanted family, AND YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH MEGHAN REALLY WANTED YOU THERE, SHE GOT MAD, SHE SAID YOU LIED TO HER, AND YOU DID, WHAT A GREAT BROTHER YOU ARE!" Frank yelled in my face. I was speechless ass the three of us cried.

"Do you think it would be alright if I saw her?"

"Are you saying you want to see her after all this time?"

"Yes I am"

"Ok, we'd better go now" Frank said.

"Uh Frank, Mikey"

"Yea" I opened my arms out and gave them each a hug.

"Ok, lets go" I said as we got to Mikey's car.

"You mind driving?" They both asked.

"Sure" I said they both got into the back. We were almost at Mikey's house when I noticed Frank and Mikey were holding hands. "Ok what the hell, why are you guys holding hands?"

"Because we want to, got a problem with that" Frank shot a look at me.

"No, just asking you guys are holding hands in the car, and making out in the hallway, what is up with that?"

"You know why, because I was terrified of you-"


"Yes you, because I thought you didn't want to be part of this family anymore"

"Why would you think that?"

"Because Gerard, you haven't been around much, and Frank was trying to help me stay calm" Mikey said as he looked at Frank, and they began to make out.

"Oook" I said as I kept driving.


I had done it again, can you believe it, again. Meghan was sweet and everything, but I finally realized I shouldn't she belongs to Frank. I saw her come into the kitchen.

"Look Meghan I'm sorry, I promise never to do it again"

"Don't make a promise you can't keep" she said coldly.

"Ok, well I better leave" I said. Alicia wasn't even talking to me either. I got outside to see Mikey's car pulled in the driveway, with Gerard in the driver’s seat. I just went to my car and I drove straight to the bar.


Something was up with Mikey. We got to his house.

"Ok Mikey" I managed to say.

"We're here guys" Gerard said looking at us. I kept trying to pull away. But Mikey kept coming closer.

"We'll meet you inside"

"Ok, do whatever" he said as he got out of the car.

"Mikey!" I said as he stopped.

"Are you sure this means nothing to you?"

"Uh yea"

"You positive because you keep kissing me"

"I'm sure it doesn't I'm just nervous"

"About what?"

"Meghan seeing Gerard, Gerard seeing Meghan and a baby" he said as tears spilled down his cheeks.

"Oh Mikey stop worrying come on whatever happens, happens"

"I know, it's just my life has changed so much"

"Uh so has mine, I have a son now that is a big change"

"I know"

"Well lets go, I don't want to kept sitting in front of your house, where its freezing"

"Oh yea" he said as he sat there.

"Come on" I said as I got out of the car. I walked over to his side and opened the door. "You going to do this every time you have to get out of a car?"


"Ok, then come on"

"I'm coming"

"Ok" I said as I waited for 10 minutes.

"Ok, your not moving, lets go" I said as I reached over and took his seat belt off and I pulled him out. "You that nervous"


"It'll be ok, just take my hand" I said grabbing his hand.

"Ok" he said as we walked to the door hand in hand.


"Hello anybody home" I heard someone come in. I thought it was Frank, so I walked over to greet him.

"Gerard!!" I said shocked.

"Uh hi Meghan" he said kind of nervous.

"Who's at the door?" Alicia asked.

"You'll never guess" I said as she walked in.

"Gerard!" she said shocked as well.

"Uh hi"

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I wanted to see you"

"Right you only wanted to see me because Frank, and Mikey went to see you, speaking of Mikey and Frank where are they?"

"Their coming, listen I know I've been a jerk, but please forgive me"

"I don't know Gerard" I said as I heard Alex cry. "I'll be back"

"No Meghan I'll get him, you need to talk to Gerard" Alicia said as she left the room.

"What’s there to talk about?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you left us, Gerard and you expect to just come back and hope we'll forgive you, it doesn't work that way"

"Meghan I'm sorry, I've been busy getting ready for my wedding"

"So your family falls behind, you know I needed you, but you weren't there"

"I'm sor-"

"You said I'll be here when you have that thing, where you no" I said crying as the door opened. I ran over to see Frank and Mikey. I went and ran up to Frank to give him a hug, but I stopped, he was holding Mikey's hand. "Uh what’s up with the holding hands?"

"Oh nothing" Frank said

"Oh and they have been making out too" Gerard said coming into the room. I looked from Mikey to Frank to Gerard.

"Is that true?" I asked Frank.

"Uh yes it is"

"But it meant nothing he was calming me down, and that's why we are holding hands" Mikey finished.


"Babe, it’s true" he said as he hugged me.

"Oh Frankie" I said.


"You do the stupidest things"

"Oh you’re not mad I thought you were"

"As long as you don't leave me for Mikey"

"Oh Meghan I would never do that" he said as we all laughed...