Late Storm


Bella sat as still as possible, not knowing what she'd do if he saw her. It was him for God's sake! The one who she took so much of her senior year away from by, well, following him around.

He starting walking towards the bench that she was sitting on in smooth, quick strides. Before she knew it, he was ten feet away from her, walking closer by the second. Then, suddenly, he tripped and fell flat on his stomach, a hallow bang coming from his body.

As he hit the groud, Bella gasped, and then sat up straight and leaned towards the man's body to get a better look.

"Trey.." Bella addressed the body, which instantly jumped up into a sitting position and took a step backwards.

"Who's there?" The man addressed the darkness, fear heavy in his voice. Bella sighed, he knew she was here, there was no backing out now. She stood up and gathered all her courage to make her next move.

"Trey, it's me, Bella. I'm from your highschool?" Trey looked up, eyes wide with fear.

"I...I d-don't know who you are.." She knew it. What else did she expect, though? There's no such thing as a fairytale ending. He sounded so nervous, probably didn't believe me. Or maybe he hit his head? Tears threatened to fall again, but she kept them back. She didn't need to cry now, tears were the last thing that she wanted, or needed for that matter. She stood up and grabbed his wet, cold hand and pulled him up off the ground.