Late Storm


Trey gasped, and Bella kept her gaze on the floor. His head was spinning...who was this guy? Was it rape or out of free will? How old was she anyways? She couldn't be older than sixteen. He shuddered at the thought. How far along was she? Well, these questions weren't going to get answered in his mind, he might as well throw them out there.

"I'm sorry..." he said, and Bella's chin lifted. She suddenly looked disgusted and hurt.

"Oh, it was quite horrible." She said, and it made Trey shift his weight from one foot to the other uncomfortably. So it must have been rape, he thought. He really didn't know what to do, but he knew, having a sister, that girls could be very emotional, so he wrapped her in a hug. Bella was overcome with lust, the urge to kiss him, but she didn't let herself get pulled into it.

"What are you doing?" She said snottily, pretending that she didn't like it one bit. Trey didn't pick up on the false venom in her words.

"I'm hugging you, silly," he whispered into her ear. He was so cute. Her heart melted and she couldn't help but lay her head on his shoulder, hoping this would never end. But before she knew it, they were seperated.

"You can't be that far along, right?" He asked, looking into her eyes, making her notice that they were the most beautiful things she had ever seen. More gorgous then emeralds, and more precious then the gold that the flakes in the green represent. She considered telling him to fuck off, but she needed him. What good is it pushing away the one person who is willing to talk to you, and possibly stay with you?

"No," she replied simply, hoping the question wouldn't go any further. He directed his gaze towards the ground again, and she could tell he was working up the courage to ask another question; she could tell she wasn't going to like it.

"How old are you?" He asked sincerely. She knew the simple question hadn't meant to hurt her, but it had crushed her, and she felt as if she couldn't breathe. Keep it together, you don't want him to see you cry, she reminded herself. She took a few deep breaths, and he looked at her questioningly.

"Sixteen," she stated, knowing exactly what he'd say next.

"Me, we're the same age!" He said with mock excitment. His words matched what she had predicted perfectly. Of course we are, dumbass, she thought bitterly. She then found herself questioning why she was treating her love so badly.

"Yeah, you were in my grade, remember?" She said, her voice gentle after her mental questioning. He looked at her face, as if predicting something. He was staring so intently, it was beginning to make her uncomfortable, but then he spoke.

"'s you.." He was looking straight at Bella, he looked surprised and unbelieving. Bella's head was pouding..what the hell is happening? They'd already had their introductions, they knew who each other were...

"Yeahhh.." she said, her voice quiet and confused.

"Bella!" Trey said, his voice suddenly excited, and he wrapped her in a hug.