Late Storm

Bad Timing

Bella was beyond confused; she wanted answers, and she wanted them now. Trey tightened his arms around her, and she decided to just relax in his grasp and enjoy the moment, remembering how only a month ago she would have killed for this. She rested her head on his shoulder and felt his body tense, but relax again after a few moments; she smiled to herself.

After a few minutes, he loosened his grip and Bella saw his arms make their way back to his sides. He looked sheepishly at her, almost as if expecting a beating. She gave him a quizzical glace before finally voicing her confusion.

"Yeah, I'm Bella; we've already established that.." she trailed off, waiting for him to respond. He didn't look like he was in any rush. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, tousled his hair, and sighed, his breath escaping from his throat raggedly and unevenly. He cleared his throat, and to Bella's shock, spoke.

"Bella..I don't know how to tell you this after what you've told me, but uh.." his voice had started off strong, but quickly deteriorated. Bella looked at him intently, urging him on with her eyes, daring him to say something.

He sighed again. "You're going to laugh," he stated plainly, almost sadly. Why on earth would I laugh? What was he going to tell me? I was quite scared, but ended up giggling at his insecurity. His head drooped, and I realized what I had done.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" I tripped over my words, trying desperately to make him continue on with his statement; I was dying to know what he was going to say! But he cut me off and, at the speed of one-million words per minute, told me what I'd been wanting to hear..up until a few weeks ago.

"Bella, I've had the biggest crush on you."