Late Storm

Why Now?

Bella’s head was spinning, So many emotions were swimming around in her mind, She couldn’t figure out what she wanted. First was the anger…She’d liked, no, loved him for years, and now, when she’d been at the lowest point in her life, he chooses to tell her that he feels the same? Bella almost let a harsh laugh escape from her lips. She looked into his eyes once again Those eyes… she felt the regret overcome her. How stupid was she? She’d wanted his love for so long, how could she just give it up now, once it was offered to her. It was in her reach, something she’d never thought would happen. So why couldn’t she bring myself to say it…to turn her life into a fairy-tale ending…

“Trey..I…” Bella said, quickly decreasing the volume of her voice, and not knowing what else to say. He hung his head, as if in shame. Something she’d never seen this boy do. He was a rebel, yes, but he wore the label proudly, never letting people tear him down, he always stood tall. Knowing that she did just that to the incredible boy before her made tears form in her eyes.

“I knew it…” He said, hoping that he would be able to get away from her without any further questions. He loved her. He did love her. Why was life so unfair; he’d thought she was her type. They seemed to have a lot in common. They loved the same music, movies, sports…where did he go wrong? “I guess my parents were right…I guess I am just a screw-up.” He said, looking down at his feet again and turning to walk off into the distance.

“No!” Bella called after him, completely torn apart by what she had done to him. He didn’t look back, didn’t stop. She did the only other thing she knew how to do, she ran. She pounded her fists in a desperate attempt to catch up to him before he hit the park’s boundaries. She couldn’t loose her only chance to finally be happy. The wet grass muffled the sound that her feet made when they hit the ground, and Trey was completely clueless when Bella grabbed his windbreaker and pulled him down to the ground.

“What the-“ He began angrily before Bella pushed her finger to his lips, instantly keeping any more sounds from escaping. She looked into his eyes, desperate to make him believe that she meant what she was about to say with all of her mind, heart, and soul.

“Listen to me.” She began sternly, making sure that he had her complete attention He nodded, making her go on, very anxious to hear what she had to say. “I…I-“ She stuttered, but was instantly cut off by a loud noise in the distance that make both of them jump right out of their skins. The sound all runaways feared.
