Surrounded By Familiar Faces

It's Time To Go

I am not a morning person.
Nether is my best friend, Ashley.
But our other best friend, Kevin, is. She's also the person who was incharge of booking our flight. Which is why I had to use all my will power to force my self into my maroon Dance! Shuffle! Shimmy! Swing! Shake! Glamour! Kills! T-shirt, my short Hurlery shorts, and my black slip on vans before shoving my self and bags into my car at 5:30 in the morning.
I shoved the key into the ignition, and Alex DeLeon's voice filled my ears singing the lyrics to Bounce erupted from the speakers surrounding the interior of the car as I waited for my brother to come out of the front door, it made my mood a little better when I began to hum along with Alex as I drove my car out of my parents drive way and made my way to the airport.
By the time Take My Hand had begun to play I had parked my car and was pulling my bags out of the trunk.
I handed Hayden my keys, stode in the garage and watched him drive my car back to where it came from.
I put my backpack on and trudged into the large building.
It was a good half hour when I finally made it to gate 7 to wait for my friends.

When I found the designated spot, I saw a perky Kevin sitting with her perfect posture next to a passed out Ashley.
I chuckled at them.

"Hey" I said giving a small wave to Kevin.

"Hey!" She said and ran over to me engulfing me into a hug.

"You excited?" She asked as we walked back over to our friend.

"Duh. You guys are gonna love it. It's so hot!" I said smirking at I imagined my hometown.

"I can practically feel the suns rays burning my skin." Kevin said smirking with me.

"You better get used to it. There is never a day of rain, and if there is it's a bad day." I said while chuckling as I sat on the right side of Ashley while Kevin sat on her left.

Minutes pasted, Kevin and I continued to talk about out future in Arizona when an announcement came on the intercom.
"Now boarding flight to Tempe Arizona from salt lake city."

I stood up and grabbed my bags as Kevin shook Ashley awake.

"What?" She groaned.

"We're boarding." I said pulling her up.
Ashley nodded, then she stretched before grabbing her bags and following us.

"Good Bye Salt Lake." We said as we sat in the seats of the large plane.
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