Status: Active

I Know Everything Will Be Alright

So Overwhelmed by the Ocean's Shapeless Form

Seconds ticked by before the little boy’s words sunk into Brian’s brain. When they did, he did the only rational thing.

“What’s going on?” he asked as he stumbled out of the bed. The woman groaned before sitting up and facing the little boy.

“Sweetie, go check on your sister. Mommy and Daddy will be there in just a minute, okay?” she said with a smile.

“Okay, Mommy,” the little boy said before running down the hallway. Brian stood watching the exchange with wide eyes. His mouth dropped open when the beautiful blond turned to look at him.

“You okay?” she asked before stretching languidly.

“Amber?” Brian asked in surprise. Green eyes sparkled as she climbed out of bed and came to wrap her arms around his waist.

“I believe that’s my name,” she purred in his ear. Smacking his butt, she sidestepped him and headed for the bathroom.

“Amber?” he asked again staring after her. Her melodic laugh met his ears as she stepped into the bathroom.

“I love you, Brian. Molly needs a bottle before we open presents,” she replied before closing the door. The noise the door made spurred Brian into action. Grabbing jeans and a sweatshirt thrown across a chair, he hurriedly put them on before running out of the room. Just as he hit the landing on the stairs, a voice called out to him.

“Daddy? I can’t carry Molly,” the little boy said as he struggled to carry the baby.

“Take her to your mom,” Brian said before taking two more steps.

“I’m going to drop her,” the little boy squealed. Brian’s eyes widened as he watched the baby slip down the little boy’s body. Running up the stairs, Brian caught the baby just before she touched the floor. Holding her out in front of him, he stared down into a familiar set of brown eyes. The baby laughed and clapped her hands when she caught sight of his face.

“And just what are you three doing?” Amber’s laughing voice said as she walked out into the hallway. Three sets of identical brown eyes turned to look at her.

“Is it time for presents?”

“Almost, Jake,” Amber said as she took the baby from Brian’s outstretched arms and cuddled her close to her body. She turned and walked down the stairs with Jake tagging along behind her. Brian watched in awe as they passed by him. It took him a few seconds to spring into action, but when he did, he continued his earlier path down the stairs. With the front door in sight, Brian moved quickly. Just as he went to open the door, someone from the outside beat him to it.

“Merry Christmas, son,” his dad exclaimed as he came through the door with Suzy and McKenna in tow. Brian stopped in his tracks and stared at his father. Relief flooded his system at the sight of his dad, but it was short lived.

“Papa!” Jake exclaimed before throwing himself at the man’s legs.

“Jake-man! Merry Christmas!” Brian Sr. said as he rested the child against his chest. While everyone was busy talking to each other, Brian took the opportunity to sneak out of the door. Stepping out into the cool air, Brian looked around to see if he recognized anything familiar. Surprisingly, he recognized the neighborhood he’d spent most of his childhood living in.

“Son, you okay?” Brian Sr. asked as he stepped beside his son. “Amber said you were acting a little off today.”

“I’m not supposed to be here,” he said as he ran a hand down his face.

“What do you mean?”

“This isn’t my life. I’m not married. I don’t have kids!” Brian shouted as he turned to face his father.

“Brian—wh” Brian Sr. started but was cut off by the slamming of the front door. Both men turned to see Amber standing on the porch.

“It’s Molly’s first Christmas,” she said quietly. Brian just stared at her.

“Amber, honey, go tell Jake that Papa’s got his present out of the car and then we’ll be there,” Brian Sr. said with a smile. Amber cast one last glance at Brian before heading back inside.

“Listen, son, whatever’s going on with you, you need to put it aside before the next few hours. Jake is really excited about Christmas and it’s Molly first, so for their sake pull yourself together,” Brian Sr. before going to the trunk of his car.

Brian stood there staring at the front door of “his” house. He knew the words his father spoke were true, but in the end his fear won. In the end, Brian Haner Jr. did the one thing he knew to do.

He ran.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks so much for the comments!!!! You guys ROCK!!!!!!!!!!