Status: Active

I Know Everything Will Be Alright

These Waves Crashing Over My Head

Stepping back into the house after Amber, Brian quietly closed the door behind him. Cautious green eyes met him as he turned to face her.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Amber asked.

“I’m fine,” Brian said with a nod just as four-year-old Jake came running around the corner.

“Mommy! Daddy! How much longer do I have to wait?” he cried impatiently as he leveled the mother of all pouty faces on his parents. Brian couldn’t help but chuckle at the utter cuteness that radiated from the little boy who looked so much like him.

“Let’s go, little man,” Amber said before taking the child’s hand and leading him into the living room. Brian followed behind helplessly. Amber began handing out presents to Jake and making a separate stack for Molly, who was happily perched on her grandfather’s lap until she caught sight of her father. The eight-month-old baby began cooing and held her arms out towards her father. When he failed to grant her wish to be picked up, she let out a shriek.

“You should probably take her before she works herself up into a tizzy,” Brian Sr. said as he rose and placed the cherub with her mother’s face in Brian’s arms. Despite the fact that he had never held this child before, she settled right into his body and batted her doe-like brown eyes up at him.

“Dada,” she said with a toothy grin on her sweet face. In that moment, Brian’s heart melted. Even though he had absolutely no recollection of this child, he knew she was his. So, he gathered her closer and leaned down to press a kiss to her soft forehead.

“This is so cool!” Jake exclaimed causing Brian to glance at the miniature version of himself. The little boy was holding a child-size acoustic guitar in his tiny arms.

“Do you like it?” Amber asked with a knowing grin on her face.

“Mommy, I LOVE it!” Jake said as he beamed at his mother. “Daddy, Santa remembered my wish!”

“I see that,” Brian said with a smile on his face. Jake’s excitement over the guitar reminded him of the first guitar he’d received from his dad when he was not much older than the little boy sitting on the floor. Catching his dad’s eye, Brian had to smile when the older man winked at him.

“It’s Molly’s turn,” Amber said with a smile before motioning for Brian to sit across from her on the floor. Jake excitedly came over to help his mom hand the presents to Brian, who then helped Molly open each one. Brian went through the motions and tried to keep a smile on his face while his father videotaped the memorable event taking place. The absolute fear and confusion he felt other had given way to a sense of loneliness.

Even though he was surrounded by the people who loved him the most, he’d never felt more alone or out of place. He was like an outsider watching this closely knit family celebrate one of the most famous holidays of all.

Several hours later, Brian collapsed at the foot of the bed where he’d awoken early that morning. After opening presents for nearly an hour, cleaning up wrapping paper for the better part of another one, and then babysitting while the women cooked dinner and then cleaned up, he was exhausted.

Amber was down the hall putting both of the children down for a nap. He shook his head in amazement. The woman had gone non-stop all morning, but yet he could hear her singing a soft lullaby to the blonde-haired baby girl through the baby monitor resting on the bedside table. Staring at the small machine, Brian sat transfixed as he listened to that sweet voice again. Throughout all of the craziness of the day, he’d yet to fully realize that one of his most secret desires had come true. He was married to the only woman he’d ever truly loved and they had made a family together.

Allowing his eyes to wander across the room, he took in numerous pictures scattered along the walls and dresser top. One in particular caught his attention and had him crossing the room to examine it further. Two young, smiling faces beamed up at him from their resting place on a very familiar sandy beach. Amber’s green eyes sparkled at the camera as she rested her head against his chest. His then, bare arms were wrapped tightly around her waist. He hadn’t seen that picture in years, but no matter how long it had been, he’d never be able to forget just how amazing it felt to have her in his arms.

“That’s one of my favorites,” her soft voice floated to him from the doorway to the room. Turning quickly, he almost stumbled before catching himself and staring at her. She stared back for a moment before quietly closing the door and crossing the room to stand in front of him.

“You haven’t changed all that much,” she whispered before tilting her head towards the picture.

“Neither have you,” he replied before letting his gaze wander across the other pictures. There were photos of their families and friends along with photos of their children. His eyes finally came to rest upon a photo that stole the breath from his chest. Amber stood on a deck overlooking the ocean wearing a wedding dress. Her smile radiated happiness and excitement.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered as he continued to stare at the photograph.

“Brian,” Amber whispered back before he felt her hands gliding across his back before coming to rest against his chest. Her soft body pressed up against him from behind and he had to remind himself to breath.

“I—” he started.

“Shh,” she whispered before turning him to face her. “It’s okay. Sometimes it’s all a little much for me too. But, then I see you and you give me that smile that I know is only for me and I know that everything is going to be okay.”

“But you don’t—” he began before she placed her index finger against his lips.

“You don’t have to be the strong one all the time, Brian. You’re allowed to freak out and have a moment every now and then. Just please don’t run away from me, from us. Whatever’s going on with you, we can work it out together,” Amber said as her hands moved to cradle his face.

“Okay,” he whispered staring into her eyes.

“Now come on, the kids are asleep and I haven’t given you your present yet,” she said with a suggestive smirk before pulling him towards the bed.

“What present would that be?” he asked as he watched her in amazement.

“This one,” she said before pulling her shirt over head and dropping her pants. She was left in a matching red bra and panty set that had his blood boiling. Her body was just as he remembered. Soft in the right places, but yet firm in all the others. There were some changes, however. Her hips were wider due to childbirth he was guessing. Her breasts were fuller and there were faint marks on her abdomen that told of her pregnancies. These subtle changes only made her that much more beautiful to him.

Stepping forward, he pulled his own shirt over his head before reaching for the button and zipper to his jeans. While he removed his pants, Amber crawled onto the bed before resting against the mound of pillows at the head of the bed. Brian joined her and leaned down to gently kiss and nip at her skin as he crawled over her body.

Their bodies brushed and touched sending electric currents running through his nerve endings. Everywhere he touched her, he felt the most amazing sensation. They hurriedly removed their undergarments. As soon as he pressed himself on top of her naked body, Amber wound her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Thrusting her lower half against him, she smiled in satisfaction at the low growl he emitted. Seeking out her core, he pushed himself inside of her and went absolutely still.

“You okay?” she whispered as her thumb traced his lower lip. The ability to speak had left him, so he simply nodded his head before he crashed his lips against hers. As their lips mated, Brian began the age old rhythm between them. Even after all these years, being inside her was still the best feeling in the world. She completed him in ways he never knew existed. He watched the storm of desire cloud her gaze seconds before she arched her back and came around him. Hard.

He lost all thought as he emptied himself inside her. Gazing into her passion-filled green eyes, Brian began to think, for the first time that day, he could get used to this new life of his.
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Another early update for you! :)

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