In Love With My Best Friend...To Bad He's Gay

Chapter One

"Stop!" I screamed at Steven, the class bully. "It's not funny! Give me back my purse!" I yelled. He just laughed and swung the purse back and forth above my head. "Wish you were taller now huh, Mickey Mouse?" He taunted me with the name I hated. "Don't call me that!" I screamed, kicking him where no boy wants to be kicked. He fell to the ground, groaning. I grabbed my purse and laughed at him.

I walked over to my friend's table at the six grade lunch table. Sitting there was, on the right from front to back, Nicole, Ashley and Olivia. On the left from front to back was, Paige, then there were two empty seats. I was about to take my seat when someone pulled me back by my hair. "Ouch!" I cried out in pain. It was Steven again! "Never try to touch me again, Mickey Mouse." He said slapping me.

"Hey! Don't do that! Didn't your mother ever teach you any manners?" A boy asked. I've never seen him before but he had longish brown, blond hair and beautiful green eyes that you could just loose yourself if you looked into them for to long. He gave me a warm, welcoming smile, one of those perfect-white-teeth smiles. I stared in awe, as did the rest of my friends. The mysterious boy came over and grabbed my hair, but he didn't pull it. He was making sure he didn't hurt me when he pulled my hair out of Steven's grip. Steven was trying to fight pretty hard, but wasn't going to win. I smiled when I felt my hair was free. I turned around to see the handsome boy punch Steven right in the face, causing Steven's nose to gush with blood.

I closed my eyes at the sight of the blood. Tears slowly came rolling down my face, remembering the day my mother was shot and killed, by my father. After she divorced him, got restraining order against him and got custody of me, he was angry. Then he heard from his friend, who's wife was my mom's best friend, that my mom was getting married to a man named Henry, only five months after the divorce was complete. He got so mad he decided if he couldn't have my mom, nobody could.

He came into my house, one late and cold winter night. It was so cold, it was like a freezer outside. As I lied in my bed, I heard the sound of broken glass. Then I saw Henry hurry passed my room and downstairs with a baseball bat. My mom soon hurried after him. I heard shouts, screams and then a loud gunshot. I jumped in my bed, then covered my ears with two pillows, to hide from the terrifying sounds coming from downstairs in my house.

It didn't help. I heard a small thud and more shouting. "I'm calling the cops!" Was the only thing I could make out, coming from Henry's mouth. I shivered. I cried silently to myself as I lie alone in my bed. I was only around seven or eight years old, I didn't know what was going on. Then I heard another gunshot and a thud, not to long after I heard another gunshot and thud coming shortly after. What was going on?
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I just wanted to make it clear, I'm not against gays at all. I'm not gay though. I'm straight. I have so many gay or bi-sexual best friends and I'd never want to hurt them. I think homophobia is completely wrong. Well tell me what you think, be brutal. Making this was just a random kind of thing. So comment and tell me how I did!