In Love With My Best Friend...To Bad He's Gay

Chapter Eleven

Dimitri's Point of View
"Well...You see...Um, I'm not sure." I answer Mikaela. She turned her head and smiled, almost like a puppy does when you say something it doesn't understand. "Not sure? It's a simple yes or no question, how are you not sure?" She asked me. I shrugged. Why am I answering like this? She's my best friend and I have a boyfriend. It should be a simple no. I shouldn't be thinking about it...

"Well. Mikaela. The thing is. I'm dating someone," I told her, I could see her happy and playful smile fade quickly into a frown. What's that about? I asked myself. "I mean sure, I'd love to go out with you and everything and that's why I'm always holding your hand or putting my arm around you or even kissing you, because we're best friends and I love to do those things to you but I never thought you liked me as more then a friend and I don't want to hurt you or want our friendship to be ruined." I tell her quickly. She sighs. "I wish I knew how I used to feel for you or anything about us but I just don't remember so it's kind of hard to talk to you about this when I don't remember who you are..." She says drifting off. I nod going silent. She smiles sadly and closes her window. I close mine and get into bed. Why do I regret saying what I did?

Mikaela's Point of View
"Well...You see...Um, I'm not sure." Dimitri answered me. I turned my head and smiled to show my confusion. "Not sure? It's a simple yes or no question, how are you not sure?" I asked him. He shrugged. Why can't he give me a straight answer? It's not that hard...

"Well. Mikaela. The thing is. I'm dating someone," He told me. My happiness quickly dropped. Why do I feel like I need him so much? I practically just met him. "I mean sure, I'd love to go out with you and everything and that's why I'm always holding your hand or putting my arm around you or even kissing you, because we're best friends and I love to do those things to you but I never thought you liked me as more then a friend and I don't want to hurt you or want our friendship to be ruined." He tells me. I reply with a sigh. "I wish I knew how I used to feel for you or anything about us but I just don't remember so it's kind of hard to talk to you about this when I don't remember who you are..." I say drifting off. All he does is nod so I close my window and watch as he closes his and walks away.

I walk over to my bed and search. Maybe I keep some kind of a diary or journal... "Ah ha!" I said to myself as I found a diary with a key lock underneath my pillow. "Lets see...a key? Where would I hide a key?" I ask myself. Wait! My necklace I had on! It's a key! I hurry and take off my necklace. A key. I quickly stick the key into the hole and turn it. The lock popped open. Yes! I cheer inside my head as I sit on my bed and began reading the diary.

Dear Diary,
Today I met a boy. He helped me with the class bully. He has blondish brown hair and wonderful eyes. His name is Dimitri. Even though I just met him...I can tell we're going to be best friends.

Aw. That's sweet. She said she knows she's going to be close to him! And wow, that was from grade one or something. They've known each other for a long time.

Dear Diary,
See? I told you! Dimitri and I are becoming really close! He lives next door so I see him a lot. I'm so glad I met him.

I flipped through pages.

Dear Diary,
Today, Dimitri Hart became my official best friend. We decided we'll be friends forever, until we die and that we'll never let anything come between us. And I'm beginning to like Dimitri...more then I should but it's probably just a baby crush

Flipped through more pages;

Dear Diary,
So maybe I was wrong. I'm completely in love with Dimitri Hart. I knew it when he kissed me today. Yes, we kissed. It's only because he'd never kissed a girl before and I got dared to do it...but dare or not, I have to admit I loved every second of it. It was amazing, just like Dimitri.

I flipped through a couple or more pages. I couldn't stop reading about what their friendship was like and how it showed that Mikaela slowly fell in love with the boy who stuck up for her and became her best friend, Dimitri. Does this mean I love Dimitri? I guess so...

Dear Diary,
I'm going to camp soon. I can't wait. It's only for a week but I know I'm going to miss Dimitri so much. I haven't spent a moment away from him since I met him. It's going to be torture but I'm going to try and have fun. I just can't help but wonder if Dimitri's going to find a new best friend while I'm gone and not want to be friends with me anymore. If that happened, I'd be completely destroyed. My heart would shatter due to the fact that I've fallen so hard over Dimitri that if he found anyone else, I'd die inside and out. He's the only one for me, I've never liked anyone else. Dimitri has stolen my heart.

I went to the last entry written.
Dear Diary,
Camp was horrible. Only because I was away from Dimitri. I'm on my way home now. I can't wait to get home and see Dimitri's wonderful white smile and amazing eyes and melt into his arms. I can't wait to hug him again and talk to him. I missed him immensely much, but I'm not going to let him know that. I'm going to make him think I've had a great time and everything. I don't want him to know how much he means to me...if he felt the same way it'd be different, but I don't want to get hurt.

I closed the diary and put it back in it's spot. I decided to get a hot bath and think about all of this. I turned on the water, waited for the tub to fill up and peeled off my dirty clothes, stepping into the nice, warm water. So I do love him. Should I tell him? He did tell me that he liked me, but we'd never be together and he is in a relationship. I don't know what to do.

Right after I got out of the tub I went and got dried and changed into pajamas. I pulled out a pen from my bedside table and pulled out the diary. I unlocked it and opened it back up, putting the chain with the key back around my neck. I then wrote a new entry.

Dear Diary
I'm not really sure what had happened but somehow, I lost my memory. I was told I hit my head and my memory loss is supposed to be only temporary. Thank gosh. I can't wait to have my memory back! Dimitri just told me how he felt for me and it made my heart sore. Even though I have no clue how I had felt for him before. Even if I don't know him, I can feel the bond between us. I've also found out that he's in a relationship and that he doesn't want to hurt me or ruin our friendship and he doesn't think I like him so that's why he never told me how he felt. I thought it was extremely sweet. Even though I've said it a million times in this diary, today I fell in love with Dimitri Hart...all over again.
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