In Love With My Best Friend...To Bad He's Gay

Chapter Thirteen

Mikaela's Point of View

"Do you want to hang out after school or something?" I asked my boyfriend, Trevor. He smiled and said loudly, "I'd love to come over after school! What a great idea Mikaela. See, this is why I love you." He told me. Did he just say he loves me? "I love you, too." I said hugging him tightly. I could tell I was blushing and I was smiling like a maniac but I didn't care. My boyfriend just told me he loved me. I was bursting inside with joy.

When I pulled back, Trevor kissed me. I kissed back, savoring every moment of this. I took in every detail of my surroundings when we pulled away. Trevor looked amazing in his white polo shirt and white shorts that had blue and green crisscrossed lines on them. His lips had a slight tint of brighter pink from my lipstick. I giggled and wiped it away with my napkin. He blushed, but only a little light pink. Then I noticed something else, Dimitri was at the table behind us, facing us and giving Trevor a death glare.

When he looked at me all I saw was pure disappointment. "What's his problem?!" I asked Trevor. Trevor turned around and looked at Dimitri. "He's probably mad. He wanted you but he can't have you because you're all mine." Trevor told me. I giggled and blushed.

The bell then rang, signaling that the lunch period was over. I smiled at Trevor and got off of his lap so he stood and took my hand and walked me back to classes. That's how most of the day went.

Dimitri's Point of View
How can she be dating that? I mean she's hated him ever since the first day she met him! But, she did loose her memory. And why does he want to go out with her? Well she is nice, funny, beautiful, smart and a lot of other things but I never ever thought Trevor would be interested in her!

I looked up from my lunch tray and at Mikaela. She was sitting on Trevor's lap. She giggled and hugged him. Then he kissed her. Kissed her! I can't believe she isn't puking right now. That's disgusting. I glared at Trevor's back. Why does he want her? Is he just going to hurt her, use her, something? What is he trying to do? I asked myself. Mikaela then looked at me and I looked up at her with a disappointing look. We could have been together, finally, but instead you agreed to go out with someone like him? I can't believe you'd chose him over me, Mikaela. I don't even know who you are anymore. I wanted to say that so bad to her but I could never get the guts to do it. I couldn't say something like that to her...Never.

Mikaela's Point of View
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I screamed to my parents as I walked in the door with Trevor following close behind. "How'd you get home so early?" My mom came asked, coming into the living room as we were taking off our shoes. "Oh, Hello D - Wait. Who's this?" My mom asked with curiosity. I giggled and wrapped my arms around Trevor. "This is Trevor. My new boyfriend." I told her. "Oh." she said nodding and smiling. "It's nice to meet you Trevor. I'm Anna. Now lets hope we can have you gone before Mikaela's dad, Sean gets here. He's very unfriendly when it comes to our girl's boyfriends." My mom told Trevor. "Nice to meet you, too. Anna. And I have nothing to hide from Sean so I'll be glad to meet him. Hopefully soon." Trevor answered my mother. I looked at him and smiled warmly, which he returned. I gave my mom a look and she nodded. "Well then, why don't you stay for dinner?" She offered him. "Thank you. I'd love to. I bet you're an amazing cook." He complimented her. She blushed and smiled. "I'm OK. Well you two don't do anything you'd be ashamed to tell your parents. Call you down when dinner's ready." My mom said. I blushed and I could tell Trevor did too as we hurried up the stairs and into my room.

"Sorry about that. My mom is so embarrassing!" I told Trevor. He laughed a little and spun around in my chair. Then I heard a tapping noise. "What's that?" He asked. I shrugged. He went over and opened my window. "Well. Well. Well. Mr.Hart. Mikaela's kind of...busy." He said with a smirk. What is he doing? I asked myself.

"Don't ever say something like that ever again and if you ever try anything I swear I'll punch you so hard you'll be thinking you're in space." I heard Dimitri warn. I giggled at his threat. That's sweet. He's protecting me! Trevor sighed. "I would never do anything like that. Mikaela's my girlfriend. I respect her to much." Trevor answered him. Dimitri huffed and I could tell he was rolling his eyes. "Just tell her I wanna see her later." Dimitri said closing his window.
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