In Love With My Best Friend...To Bad He's Gay

Chapter Fourteen

Dimitri's Point of View
I can't believe he's at her house! That should be me! I gotta tell her how I feel and how much I need her...soon.

Mikaela's Point of View
"So. What do you want to talk about?" I asked Trevor. He shrugged. We've been sitting in my room for up to an hour talking about random stuff, like our favorite things, our middle names, our top ten closest friends, our parents, how mine died and tons of other things. When I told him about my parents and started crying he hugged me and we sat like that for almost ten minutes, me crying and him holding me tight.

Right now, I was lying upside down on my black and purple cheetah and zebra designed bed and Trevor was right across from me sitting in my purple bean bag chair. My walls were painted plain white but I had posters and signs and pictures - mostly of Dimitri & I but some of Sean and Anna and I and even one of my mother and father at their wedding and some others - and other things all over my walls.

"Dinner time!" My mom called up to us. We both got up and Trevor followed me to the dining room. My dad gave Trevor a stern look. "I'm Sean." He said standing. Trevor walked over and shook my dad's hand. "Trevor. It's wonderful to meet you." Trevor said warmly before sitting down across the table from my dad. I smiled at him, letting him know he did a good job, so far.

My mom walked in with the steak and corn. I nodded. "Thanks." I mumbled. Trevor smiled at her and said "Thank you, Anna." Trevor said grace and we all started eating. Trevor took one bite and nodded, looking at my mom. "Just like I thought. This is a great dinner. Great food, great parents and my great girlfriend." Trevor stated holding my hand underneath the table. "So. Trevor. What do you want to be when you get out of school?" My father asked him. Trevor wiped his mouth. "I'd like to be a lawyer or maybe a photographer." He answered. My dad nodded. "Play any sports?" My dad questioned. "Football, baseball and soccer." He told him. My dad looked at him. "You must be in really good shape, huh?" He asked. Trevor smiled. "Yes, I am. I love sports." Trevor told him. My dad smiled. "What man doesn't like sports?" My dad questioned playfully.

Dinner went by great! Everything my dad asked Trevor, Trevor answered thoughtfully and truthfully. My dad said he 'approved' of Trevor and he'd like to see him around more often and that he could even go to some of his games. I shook at the idea of my dad going to my boyfriends football or soccer games.
My mom thinks Trevor is a great catch and I should keep him around for a long time.

I was sitting on my bed as my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Hello? Mikaela?" The person on the other end asked. "Um, yes...?" I replied. "It's Dimitri. Can you open your window?" He asked me. "My window? What?!" I asked going over and opening my window anyways. I saw Dimitri in his window. He hung up his phone and threw it on his bed behind him. Then he said, "Watch out." And climbed over into my window and my bedroom. "I thought you were gonna fall and like...die or something!" I shouted at him, closing my window.
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What do you think? This would've been chapter thirteen but I didn't have time to write it all in that one. So. Comment and subscribe.