In Love With My Best Friend...To Bad He's Gay

Chapter Three

Once I was finished talking, he looked at me, I could tell he was thinking about something important. "You know what? I think your mother would want you to be happy. You should only think happy thoughts of them. It's not that horrible to remember their death because maybe it gives you closure, knowing that they died and how they died so you wouldn't grow up worrying about it." He said to me. I nodded a bit, giving what he had said some thought. "Do you like your foster parents?" He asked me. I nodded my head again. "Yeah. They're nice. They let me have fun, see my friends and everything." I told him. "So it's not as bad as it seems to have them. At least their not mean and horrible like some foster parents are." He says. "I guess you're right." I said.

I sniffed and wiped my nose on my sleeve. I smiled at the nice boy. "I'm Mikaela." I tell him, reaching out my hand. "Dimitri. It's a pleasure to meet you." He says. Instead of shaking my hand, he takes it and kisses it gently..

"So Kayla, what's new?" Dimitri asks, walking into my house. "Besides you not knowing how to call, text or knock, nothing." I say shrugging. My best friend just smiles shyly when he does something wrong or is embarrassed. "Sorry. I just wanted to see my bestie! I saw you get dropped off." He tells me. I've been at camp for the week, summers almost over and Dimitri and I will be stating ninth grade this year. "Dimitri, stop being such a drama queen! It's only been a week." I tell him. He laughs. "Every minute away from you, is like a year for me." He tells me seriously. I smile and blush. Dimitri is the only boy who has that affect on me.

"You, Dimitri Hart, are so corny!" I tell him laughing. My adoptive father, Sean walks into the living room. "Dad!" I scream happily running to give him a bear hug. Ever since Sean and Anna Beckman had fostered me, they loved me. They said they didn't want to have a new kid every so often. They said they didn't want me to leave so they decided to adopt me. Lucky me, Dimitri lives next door to them.

"I missed you, Mickey Mouse!" Dad says setting me down. My mom and dad and Dimitri are the only people who have permission to call me Mickey Mouse. Anna and Sean would rather have me call them mom and dad. They say it makes them feel closer to me. "Good morning Dimitri. Not surprised to see you here." Dad said to Dimitri. I smiled. "Well he's my best friend! Of course he's here!" I say hugging Dimitri. "He's here so much sometimes I began to think of him as part of the family." My dad comments. Ew, I think. I can't think of Dimitri as a brother to me. Ever since the first day I looked into his wonderful green eyes I liked him, a lot.

Dimitri smiles. "Good morning, Mr. Beckman." He says to my dad. "How many times do I have to tell you, Dimitri. Call me Sean." My dad tells Dimitri. I laugh a little. "And how many times do I have to tell you, Mr. Beckman, it shows disrespect to call an adult by their first name." Dimitri tells my dad. Dimitri has always been polite and sweet. That's just the person he is. "Mom! I'm home!" I call my mom loudly. "In here!" She shouts back from the kitchen. I walk to the kitchen with Dimitri following close behind.
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OK. Now this is the last chapter tonight. I just had some good ideas I had to put down. I'll write more tomorrow. Comment please!