In Love With My Best Friend...To Bad He's Gay

Chapter Four

"What are you doing?" I ask my mom. She smiles at me. "Baking you a welcome home cake." She tells us. I smile now. "It's only been a week!" I tell them both. They chuckle. "But it seems like you've been gone forever." Anna says. "Well it's good to here that you guys missed me so much. I feel touched." I said, wiping a fake tear from my eye. Anna and Dimitri looked at each other and screamed, "Group hug!" Soon crushing me into a bear hug. My dad didn't waste any time coming into the kitchen to join the big group hug.

They let go and we all laughed at our strange behavior. My parents have always been like friends to me, rather then parents. "What kind of cake are you making, mommy?" I asked in my baby voice. My mom gave me a stern glare. "Don't use that voice!" She said angrily. I smiled shyly like Dimitri does. At my house, Dimitri gets away with anything because of that smile. "That doesn't work for you, Mikey." My mom says. "I'm making your favorite, of course. Chocolate cake with chocolate icing." She tells us. Dimitri and I smile widely at each other. "YES!" We shout at the same time. "I love having you as a best friend. We're around each other, so we rub off on each other. Remember before you went to my thirteenth birthday party you would have never even went by chocolate cake. Crazy woman!" Dimitri says to me as we walk upstairs to my room.

I giggle at the thought of Dimitri's thirteenth birthday party. A lot happened that day. It was a boy-girl party and we played truth or dare. I asked Dimitri if he ever had his first kiss and when, because he picked truth. He said no and everybody laughed. I just smiled and whispered to my friend Nicole what should happen. She nodded in agreement. She knows how much I like Dimitri. "Truth or dare, Mikaela?" She asks me. I smile. "Dare." I say bravely. "I dare you to give Dimitri his first kiss." She tells me. I look over at my best friend, his expression was first blank, but he looked over at me and smiled warmly, like he did the first time I met him. I shrugged, "OK with me. OK with you?" I asked him. He nodded. "Yeah, I guess." He said standing and coming over to me. He sat next to me and looked into my eyes. Just like every time I stare into his hypnotizing green eyes I soon found myself lost in them. He smiled and leaned in. The space between us closed inch by inch until our lips touched. My eyes closed, this felt so right. I thought to myself, pulling back. When my eyes met Dimitri's he blushed and stood up quickly, walking back to his seat across from me. Everybody was staring at us. "Aww." They all cooed. I blushed deeply.

"Well you probably would've had your first kiss with some sl*t. If it wasn't for your awesome best friend." I say to him walking behind him into my room and jumping onto my bed, lying on my stomach. He sighs. "Yeah. I guess you're right. That was nice." He says. I lift my head and look into the direction his voice came from. Dimitri was there, right next to my head, literally. He smiled and pecked my lips. I blushed and he chuckled. "W-What was nice?" I ask him. "Kissing you, silly." He tells me. I smiled. He does this a lot, kisses me randomly, hugs me or holds me. Sometimes he holds my hand or he wraps his arms around my waist and puts his chin on my shoulder. Sometimes I began to think Dimitri likes me as more then a friend, but he never could, nobody ever could like me like that.

"You know. School's starting soon. Only three more days." Dimitri tells me, sitting back into my black fuzzy chair. I nod my head. "Yeah. I miss summer already. Hanging out with you all the time. Going to the park and you push me on the swing. Having picnics and swimming." I say. Dimitri smiles. "Throwing you into the pool." He says laughing. "If I didn't know any better I would say you two were going out." Nicole says walking into my room. I sighed. "We're not going out." Dimitri and I say at the same time. "Then why did you kiss her Dimitri?" Nicole asks him. He shrugs. "She's my best friend and first kiss. I wanted to see if it'd be the same as it was when we had our first kiss." He tells her. She sighs. "Ugh! Why don't you two just go out already!" She says angrily and sits in my other chair. We both laugh at her. "Because if we broke up we'd ruin our friendship and I don't like her like that." Dimitri says. Ouch. That hurt. Tears slowly fall from my eyes, I'm laying on my stomach again, so nobody can see that I'm crying.

"Oh come on. You act like you do! Hugging her and holding her hand and kissing her. You're leading her on! Stop it!" Nicole says throwing a pillow at him, hitting him in his face. He laughs and hugs the pillow. "It's just fun. Right, Kayla?" He asks me. I just look at Nicole, she sees my tear stained face. "Dimitri, you're a jerk." She tells him and comes and hugs me. "You hurt her feelings." She says. He looks confused as I sit there crying but he soon comes over and hugs me, petting my hair like he always does when I cry. I smile through the tears.
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OK! How was it?! Well I have to go to school now so I'll update after school or something? Maybe wait until tomorrow? Comment! Subscribe! Please?!