In Love With My Best Friend...To Bad He's Gay

Chapter Six

*Mikaela's Point of View*

"Are you really? Do you want me to go, too." Nicole asked me after Dimitri practically ran screaming out of my house...well once we stopped laughing of course. "No! I was just saying that to make him leave." I told her. She nodded. "Wanna get something to lunch?" I asked her. She smiled.

"Lets have a picnic!" She shouted, taking out my picnic basket from my kitchen cabinet. I laughed at the idea. "OK." I said happily. We made sandwiches, got pop, chips, fruit salad and made a chocolate cake! OK fine, we bought the cake.

"Come on!" I shouted to Nicole as I walked out the front door of my house. We got a blanket and headed to the park. I saw a boy sitting on the swing, he had his hood to his hoodie up so I wasn't sure who he was. "Look, there's a boy on the swing being pushed by another boy. Gay, much?" Nicole stated. I stared at her wide-eyed. "So? What if they are gay?" I said, a little to loud. The boy pushing the other looked over, but the boy on the swing continued looking forward. "Sorry." I said apologizing. He just smiled and nodded.

"I can't believe you!" I shouted at Nicole. She just looked at me. "I can't believe you're OK with that kind of stuff." She told me. "Why wouldn't I be?! A guy likes a guy, what is so wrong with that? I don't see homosexual people saying it's wrong for a guy to like a girl? That makes me so mad when people say stuff like that about homosexual people!" I stated. Nicole just rolled her eyes and layed the blanket on the grass. The boy was still looking at us. He started to walk over.

I smiled widely. "Um, hey. Sorry to bother you but I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Josh." He says holding out his hand. I shake it with my own hand. "Mikaela. My rude friend here is Nicole." I tell him. "Rude?" She asks angrily. "You know what just because I think it's wrong to be homosexual means I'm rude now?" She asks screaming. I sigh. "Nicole just go. OK?" I tell her. She sighs, getting her bag and standing up. "Always got to be the boss of everything huh, Mikaela." She says leaving. I just roll my eyes. "Whatever." I say. The boy, Josh, stands there awkwardly. I giggle. "Wanna sit? I have an extra sandwich." I tell him. He smiles. "Gotta get back to my boyfriend, sorry. Maybe another time?" He asks. I nodded. "Sure. Sounds like fun." I reply smiling widely. "You live next door to, um, what's his name, Dimitri, right?" He asks me. How does he know my Dimitri? I mean Dimitri...he's not mine. "Um, yeah. How do you know him?" I ask. He shrugs. "Met him a few days ago. Nice kid. Well I guess that means we'll be seeing a lot of each other. I live right across the street." He says. I smile. "Cool." I say. He puts his hands in his hoodie pockets. "You and your friend gonna be OK?" He asks me. "Who, Nicole? I don't know. She's well, hard headed. Probably. I think. I don't wanna be friends with someone who is against gay people anyways." I tell him, honestly. "Oh. OK. Well catch you later, gotta go." He tells me. I wave slightly and watch him walk away. As soon as he's gone I pack up my blanket and head home.
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