In Love With My Best Friend...To Bad He's Gay

Chapter Seven

*Dimitri's Point of View*

"So? What if they are gay?" A girl's voice screamed loudly. It almost sounds like...Mikaela. "Who's that?" I asked Josh. I was now sitting on the swing and Josh was pushing me. He was looking over at them now. "Two girls." He tells me. "Sorry." I hear the girl say to us. "What do they look like?" I ask him. "Girls." He says. I sigh. "I know that." I tell him. He chuckles. "One has long brown, perfectly straight hair and the other has short blond hair." He says. "I think it's Mikaela and Nicole." I tell him. "Really? I wanna meet them! I'm gonna go talk to them." He tells me, I can hear the excitement in his voice. He's been wanting to meet Mikaela ever since I first told him about her, but I didn't want to introduce them because I'm not sure what Mikaela's going to think about me having a boyfriend.

I sighed. "Just don't tell her about me being here or us being together." I tell him before he runs off to talk to her. I sit on the swing and swing back and forth, waiting for him to come back.

A few minutes later someone pushes me. "So?" I ask Josh. He looks over. "They left. The one girl...Nicole doesn't like gays or something and they got in a fight and she left. And now Mikaela's leaving." He told me. "Wait? Mikaela's leaving? Do you mind if I go with her?" I ask him. "Well, what if she thinks that you were with me or like my boyfriend?" He asks me. I shrug but think about it for a bit. "I'll tell her I was walking home from the diner and you told me that she just left so I ran to catch up with her." I reply. He nods. "Sounds believable." He states. He hugs me and gives me a quick kiss goodbye. "Catch you later. I love you." He says. "Love you, too. Bye." I say, running away to get to Mikaela.

"Mikaela! Mikaela!" I continued shouting. She looked back, startled at first but once she saw me she smiled. She stopped for me and I finally caught up. "Hey." I say trying to catch my breath. She smiles. "Hey. Where were you? I thought you went home?" She asked me. I shook my head no. "No. I went to the diner." I told her. She nodded. "Oh." She says. "My friend, uh Josh, told me he saw you so I ran to catch up before you were all the way home." I said. "Oh. Josh! I just met Josh." She says. I smile. "What do you think? Best friend material? I think I'm actually going to have a guy friend to hang out with when you're with Nicole." I tell her. She smiled. "Yeah. We didn't talk much but he seems OK." She says. "We should all hang out sometime. Get to know each other." I say. She shrugs. "Sure I guess. Why not?" She says nodding. I let out a breath I realized I held in after I asked her that. Maybe she'll like him and be OK with me dating him...
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What do you think? Sorry it's so short but at least I write a little everyday!!! Comment and subscribe!!! :)