In Love With My Best Friend...To Bad He's Gay

Chapter Eight

"So. The only interesting thing that happened since I was gone was that you met Josh?" I asked Dimitri. He sighed. "Yes, Mikaela. I'm sorry my life isn't as interesting as a fun house. You're the only thing exciting in my life...well you and Josh." He said. Aw! He said I was the only thing exciting in his life...and Josh. Wait...Josh? I thought he only met him and hung out with him once or twice? "I thought you and Josh didn't hang out much yet?" I asked him. He shrugged. "He's pretty funny and you gotta see him when he sees a hot guy! This old lady saw him look her grandson, who was fifteen, up and down and smacked him with a cane! She said "My grandson isn't allowed to date boys! Don't be looking at him like that!" And later, her grandson, Keith, came and talked to us and gave Josh his number and said "What my grandma doesn't know won't kill her...but if she finds out it might give her a heart attack and will kill her but anyways...Call me." And winked at Josh!" Dimitri told me going into a laughing fit.

Wow. He a man wh*re. I started laughing at the thought of an old lady smacking someone with a cane. "Remember when we went and that old man chased us around with his walker because we screamed 'Screw you!' to his wife when she wouldn't give us candy on Thanksgiving?" I asked him. He started laughing again, rolling off of my bed and onto the floor. I soon fell off of the bed and right on top of him. "Ugh!" he groaned loudly. "A feather just landed on my stomach." He joked with me. I sighed but we continued laughing until tears came to our eyes.

"I haven't laughed this hard in a whole week!" I told Dimitri. His eyes opened wide. "What else haven't you done?" He asked. I thought about it, counting with my fingers. "Hm. Well, I haven't texted anyone since you this morning when I got close to here. I haven't been to the diner. I haven't been on the swing. And I haven't seen you!" I told him. He smiled widely. "Well lets make sure you get all of those things done before the day ends!" Dimitri says. He grabs my phone and texts someone from it, then keeps clicking away at the buttons. "What are you doing?" I ask him. He smirks. "You'll see." He tells me. About a few seconds later Dimitri and I are downstairs putting on our shoes to go to the park and then the diner for dinner. My phone vibrates from my bra. "Why do you put your phone there?" Dimitri asks, staring at my phone...or my chest. I can't tell which one. I giggle. "Because I don't have a hoodie on and I don't want to be randomly calling or texting people when I sit down." I tell him. He just smiles and shakes his head. "And nobody will grab my phone from me if its..." I start but Dimitri grabs inside my bra and gets my phone out. "Dimitri!" I scold him, smacking his hand. "Bad dog!" I joke with him. He pouts. We both chuckle and go outside.

Dimitri handed me my phone. From Josh. Josh? I don't know anyone named Josh? I open the text message while walking beside Dimitri. He grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him, putting his arm around me and his other hand takes mine. I blush slightly and giggle quietly. He smiles at me and we continue to walk. I look through my phone with my free hand. Hey Mikaela. Not much How about you? "What the f*ck." I said, more to myself. Dimitri grabs my phone. "Oh. Josh. I sent him a text from your phone and saved his number in yours." He tells me. I didn't see him adding a number from his phone? "How'd you memorize the number?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Don't know. Guess we just texted a lot or something..." He said drifting off into thought. Strange... I take the phone back from Dimitri and he grabs my other hand again in his. I ignore it as I try to concentrate texting with one hand and walking at the same time. Of course, it doesn't work and while I'm in the middle of the sentence and asking Josh to come with Dimitri and I, I run into a Watch Children sign. "Ow!" I shout. Dimitri chuckles and I glare at him, rubbing my head. I dropped my phone. Great I think sarcastically. I search the ground and finally find my phone. I quickly finish my sentence and hit send.

"What'd you say?" Dimitri asks me. I shrug, open the message and let Dimitri read it while we continue walking. This time, I have my eyes forward and hands in my pockets.
Not much. Going to the park with Dimitri and then the diner for dinner. You should come...? Dimitri looks at me and smiles. "Cool." He says nonchalantly. I just keep walking, Dimitri makes sure to look over his shoulder ever minute or so. About the tenth time I ask him, "What or who are you looking for?" I ask him. He was about to answer when my phone rang. Call From Josh it said. I smiled at the ring tone it played, Fireflies. My new favorite songs. Dimitri's ring tone is Never Say Never by the Fray. We both love that song. "Hello?" I answer. "Hello? Mikaela?" Josh asks. "Yeah. Hey, Josh. You coming along?" I ask him. "Uh. Yeah. I'm already at the corner of the street. I can see you and Dimitri. Wait for me, OK?" Josh asks. I nod and then remember he might not be able to see me do that. "Sure." I say, grabbing Dimitri's arm to stop him from walking. He looks at me confused. I point to the phone and behind me. "Be right there." Josh says before I hear a dial tone. I hang up. "Josh is gonna catch up." I tell Dimitri. He nods and makes sure to stay away from me for some weird reason. We're both facing the opposite way we were walking when we saw Josh running down the street towards us. "Hey." Josh says, stopping in front of us, catching his breath. "Hi." I say smiling happily. "Sup." Dimitri says acting like he doesn't want him here. I give him my, 'Be nice' look. "So lets go." Josh says walking in between Dimitri and I.

The weird thing is, I could've swore I saw Josh try to hold Dimitri's hand, and give him a note with a kiss on the top of it...?
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