You Got Me Popin' Champagne


Barakat. Knew it. I have been talking to Jack Barakat for a long time. A celebrity. Oh My Gosh.
Me: Jack Barakat. All Time Low. Jack Barakat.
Jack: Your good at guessing.((:
Me: Wow. This is embarasing. I have been inlove with you 4evah.((((((((:
Jack: I have been in love with you ever since you got on that stage during prom.
Me: You make me laugh, I just have one question. Arent you on tour?
Jack: No were on break. Hey maybe we can hang out.:D
Me: Yeah totally. Maryland is bomb(:
Jack: Totally.
I texted him my address and in that time he was on his way. I can't believe Im about to hang out with JACK BARAKAT. Oh Geez. I had to make myself presentable. I ran up the stairs and stoped by my parents room.
"My friends is coming over. Okay?" My mom shook her head okay. Yes. Without any thought I put on my Glamour Kills/ JecVenk/ JAGK shirt. I slipped a brush through my naturally shraight hair. I put in my contacts and a little bit of makeup. I still could not believe who was about to be at my house. The doorbell rang. Oh Gosh.I think Im going to faint. I ran down the stairs and almost tripped. Jack Barakat was stadning at my door. I opened the door and saw him staring at me.
"Jack." I smiled.
"Ashly." He smiled his perfect smile. I looked at his signature hair. Blonde and brown.
"Hey," I said, "Um.. want to come inside? Or stay outside? Or..." I was nervous. I mean who wouldnt be
"We can stay outside. Gives up privacy." We both smiled. I walked outside and we sat on a bench under the tree in my front yard. My phone started playing Weightless.
"Hold on a sec." I said to him, a little embarassed. It was Natalia, I could call her back.
"Never mind. Its just my friend." I smiled.
"Oh, well cool. Um hey I had a question." He looked at me.
"Shoot." I smiled.
" Would you ever like, go on tour with us?" He asked. Obviously I already knew the answer.
"Duh, Jack. I love you and your..." I couldnt complete the sentence when he emerged his lips against mine. My dream was coming true. The dream I had for seven months was happeneing where I always imagined it. Then I realized what he was saying.
"You want me to come on tour with you guys?!" His smile gave me the answer. No way.
"Yeah, I do. These past few months have been so amazing. Just talking to you. And if you come, I will get Alex to sing you the song I wrote for you." I thnk im about to faint
"Yes. All yes. I could be All Time Low Merch girl!" I said jumping up and down.
"Or you could be All Time Low, Jacks girlfriend. Will you be my girlfriend?" He smiled I stopped jumping and fell to the ground.
"Yes. Yes I will." We kissed.
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Third chapter((: More to come. Two suscribers!! No comments))): Common people! This story is gunne et good.