Status: Complete.



“Good night!” Kiley giggles, her eyes looking between Lucian and I, and her grin spreading from ear to ear. “Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite!”

I cursed her and the stunt she pulled that afternoon. Ever since then Lucian and I have been avoiding each other like the plague. I couldn’t even look at the boy without blushing furiously…

I mean can you blame me?

Stupid Kiley…why did she have to do that? It’s so embarrassing.

I thought of what I could possibly say to Lucian. Sorry, maybe? It wasn’t my fault that Kiley did that though…

I sighed and stared at Lucian’s bare back. I couldn’t help but admire him. He really was beautiful…

The two of us moved into our room. He moved to his side while I moved to mine. I ran my fingers through my hair as I grab some clothes.

“You can have first shower,” Lucian says, grabbing my attention.

I look at him from over my shoulder. He was resting on his bed, hands locked behind his head, and eyes staring up at the ceiling and…

“Sorry about Kiley today…she’s a freak,” Lucian spoke, his eyes not looking away from the ceiling and…

My cheeks caught on fire when I noticed the lint pink, the same pink from this afternoon, dusting Lucian’s cheeks. I noticed the way he was chewing on his bottom lip and how his eyes quivered occasionally…

Is Lucian…nervous?

I wanted to gasp…I never knew that Lucian could be nervous…around me!

“I uh…I-it’s ok…I’ve come to-to live with t-that,” I laughed, hoping that somehow this conversation would lighten the mood between us.

Lucian nodded his head before he turned on his side, facing away from me. I took that as his way of ending the conversation and I was ok with that, because that right there was the most Lucian had ever said me.

As I took my shower, I couldn’t help but hum a cheesy love song while smiling like an idiot. Not only was Lucian acknowledging my existence but he was even talking to me! I wanted to scream, squeal, and bounce around with joy.

I actually debated on thanking Kiley for this afternoon, but that’d be a little weird so I decided not to. Instead I just smiled as I skipped back to the room Lucian and I shared. I opened the door, my smile still on my face, as I told Lucian the shower was open.

He looked back at me and I felt my breath stop in my throat. I had forgotten that I wasn’t wearing a shirt…sure he had seen me during the afternoon, but I still felt self-conscience around him. I mean how can I not? He’s flawless and I’m…I’m just disgusting compared to him.

I felt my heart race pick up when I felt his eyes scan my torso. I could feel my blood running south, just feeling those eyes on me aroused me…and for once I was happy Lucian looked away from me.

If he had continued I probably would have had a problem to take care of…that’d be embarrassing.

Lucian moved off the bed and grabbed some clothes before moving past me. I let out a breath that I was holding in before going to my bed. I slipped under the covers and cuddled into the comforter before I found myself falling asleep…

“David…hey Davie wake up,” an angelic voice spoke.

I groaned and swatted the hand away that was currently on my shoulder, shaking me lightly. I tried to curl back into the covers, but the hand moved from my shoulder to my cheek where it stroked it softly as the angel continued to speak, “Wake up sleeping beauty…it’s time for breakfast.”

That definitely wasn’t Kiley…or Kiley’s mom…or Kiley’s dad…so that means the only person it could possibly be is…

“L-Lucian?” My eyes shot open in shock and I looked up to see said boy hovering over me.

Hell yes I was blushing and hell yes my heart skipped a couple beats. I know that isn’t healthy, but damn it Lucian’s looks can’t be healthy either. I mean…hot damn he’s even beautiful with his hair a mess and no make up around his breath taking eyes.

“Get dressed,” Lucian says before moving from my bed and exiting the room.

“Oh my god,” I smiled, a girlish giggle passing my lips. “I’m must be in heaven!”
♠ ♠ ♠
We got ourselves a happy camper up there!
P.S. I wrote a one-shot
Go read it?
