Status: Complete.



“Good morning David,” Cheri greeted me with a smile.

I smiled softly before mumbling a morning and taking a seat next to Kiley. She was smiling from ear to ear, probably thinking that her plan was brilliant. I rolled my eyes when Kiley started giggling insanely when Lucian took a seat across from me.

Lucian raised an eyebrow at her before asking, “Did you forget to take your meds?”

Kiley stuck her tongue out at him while answering, “I’m not on meds you dick.”

“Kiley, watch your mouth!” Cheri scolds, looking back at her daughter with a scowl.

Kiley whines and points childishly at her brother. “But he thinks I’m on meds!”

“I think we should put you on meds,” Eric joins in, him, Lucian, and I chuckling as Kiley started shouting profanities at us. Cheri sighed, shaking her head as she placed breakfast in front of us all.

Once breakfast was finished we all unpacked. As expected Lucian was silent the entire time. I was hoping that since we were alone we’d actually be able to talk, but that didn’t happen. I sighed in defeat when he exited the room, not even sparing me a glance.

I guess he’s only trying to be nice to me because we’re spending two weeks together.

I fall back on my bed with a frown. How can I get him to pay attention to me?

There was a knock on my door and I push myself onto my elbows. Kiley smiled as she moved into the room. She took a seat next to me before asking, “What’s wrong cup cake?”

“Lucian is ignoring me again,” I answer, a pout finding its way onto my face.

Kiley rolls her eyes before saying, “Oh he’s just being like that because he saw your cock yesterday but didn’t get to touch it.”

I choked on air.

Kiley laughed like a maniac while I rolled on the ground trying to catch my breath. Once I started to breathe correctly again I choked out, “W-What? You really do need meds!”

“Hey! Hey, I do not and he’s my brother…trust me I know these things.” Kiley winked at me, ruffling my hair affectionately as she did so.

I rolled my eyes before grumbling, “Yeah whatever…so what are we doing today?”

“Well I wanted to take you through the woods,” Kiley answered, an excited smile on her face. “So through on some old clothes and lets get going!”

She then skipped out of my room. I shake my head at her, wondering why I’m friends with her. Honestly, she’s such a freak, but I guess that’s why she’s so entertaining.

I pushed myself to my feet before throwing on some sweat pants, a long sleeved old t-shirt, along with some beat up shoes that I don’t mind getting dirty. Once I finished I found Kiley wearing pretty much the same thing, waiting for me at the front door…with Lucian.

“You boys ready?” Kiley asks, smiling evilly at me.

She planned this? I hate her…really I do…

Lucian shrugs, even in baggy old clothes Lucian looked great. I’m starting to wonder if he’s even human. Maybe he’s a God? Yeah…I think he is.

“Yeah, lets go,” I yawn, still a little tired.

Kiley moved out first and I followed after her, Lucian came out last. The three of us walked through the grass towards a trail in the woods that Kiley said has been there as long as she can remember. She also told me that Lucian wanted to come with us, because he didn’t trust Kiley knowing her way around.

I completely agree with him. Kiley doesn’t even know her way around her own house, let alone the woods.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short, but I have the next chapter written and it's a.) longer and b.) lets just say I think you'll enjoy it ^.^
-cackles evilly-
