Status: Complete.



The five of us sat around a fire, eating smores, and laughing away. Eric had just finished telling us a story about when he was younger and Cheri bitch slapped him for flirting with another girl. I could see her doing that…

Kiley pulled her marshmallow away and screamed when she realized it was on fire. “Bubby, it’s on fire!”

Lucian blew it out for her and she giggled before thanking him and shoving the gooey food into her mouth. I laughed at her childish ways and not long after Eric and Cheri decided to go back inside. They claimed that they were tired.

We waved good-bye to them; all three of us were wide-awake although it was probably around midnight.

“Lets go swimming!” Kiley exclaimed pointing towards the water.

“It’s too dark,” I whine, barely being able to see ahead of him, let alone in the water.

“We can turn the light on the boat on that way we can see.”

Lucian shrugs and agrees to it. The two of them then look at me. Sighing, I give in and decide what the hell, why not?

“It’s so cold!” I screeched after I re-surfaced. Kiley dubbed me the tester of the water and now I regretted agreeing to it, because it was freezing. My teeth chattered, but Kiley must not have cared about my opinion because she jumped in.

When she came back up she was shivering to but she laughed it off, “Just swim around, you’ll get warm.”

I mocked her before doing as she suggested. I heard a splash, which signaled that Lucian was now in to. I mentally screamed at the fact that he was only in his boxersbecause we all were too lazy to go change and wet. Now this is going to be hard to resist…

I could hardly see Kiley through the dark, sure the light from the boat let me see, but she was too far out. I could hear her laughter and splashes though so I knew she was ok. Lucian on the other hand…I saw him nowhere.

I looked from side to side, worrying that he might have drowned. I moved towards the dock, once I felt the sand beneath my toes I stopped. I stood there, squishing the dirt between my toes.

I know I’m such a worrywart; I’d be ok if it wasn’t so dark and I was able to see. Damn Kiley and her ideas…

My entire body jumped when a cold hand grabbed my shoulder. I sighed in relief though when I heard Lucian’s familiar chuckles.

“Don’t be such a pussy,” he teased, turning me so that I was facing him.

“It’s dark and I’m in a deep lake…I have every right to be a pussy,” I whined, kicking his leg under the water.

“That was a girl move.”

I stuck my tongue out at him and he rolled his eyes. The two of us were silent after that, simply staring at one another. I felt myself shiver, staying still was making me really cold. I decided that instead of just being awkward that I should ask, “Do you uh…need something?”

Lucian blinked a couple of times as if he was just in a daze and I snapped him out. He shook his head for a moment before answering, “Yeah.”

“Well…what is it?” I giggle, feeling the heat rushing to my cheeks once more. Why is it that no matter what Lucian does I blush?

I watched as Lucian glanced at the water, his hand coming up to run through his soaked locks. I tried my best to stare into his eyes instead of at his chest, which was really hard considering that he’s wet…do you understand me? He’s wet.

I mentally whined…why couldn’t I be invisible? That way I could stare at him without him finding out. It’d be perfect!

I was taken away from my strange thoughts when Lucian finally sighed.

My cheeks flushed furiously and eyes became wide when Lucian’s hand cupped my chin. I was about to ask what he was planning to do, but it’s kind of hard to talk or even think correctly when Lucian Joe is kissing you.

An arm wrapped itself around my waist, pulling me against his chest. Everywhere he touched felt like it was on fire, my heart exploded in my chest and the butterflies were going wild at the feel of his soft lips moving against my own.

Is this a dream? It has to be…but if it is I don’t ever want to wake up.

My arms wrapped themselves around his neck, pulling us even closer if that was even possible. The feel of his lips, his scent, it all hit me like a tidal wave and I felt like I was on top of the world.

When Lucian pulled away I actually whined. He chuckled softly, his lips brushed against my own a second time and I had a feeling that we would have continued, but someone clearing their throat interrupted us.

Lucian and I looked over to see that Kiley was standing not too far from us with a smile on her face that clearly stated she planned this.

“Boys can’t resist each other when they’re wet,” she cracked up.

Lucian growled dangerously and I blushed. It’s kind of funny…because wasn’t I thinking that before?
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel like that update sucked...
Did it?
I hope it didn't cuz y'know they kissed

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