Status: Complete.



Kiley giggled insanely, looking at the two of us with an award-winning smile.

“Well…shall we go in?” She asks, splashing through the water to get out.

I glance up at Lucian who was rolling his eyes. When he looked down at me I felt my cheeks flush furiously. I quickly pulled my arms away and so did he.

The two of us walked after the skipping girl. Both of us were silent and walking maybe a little too close to each other, but it wasn’t like anyone else was around so…it didn’t matter.

The tension between us could be cut with a knife and fed to children as food it was that thick. When we got closer to our room it only seemed to get worse, if that’s even possible.

Kiley left us in our room in an awkward silence one that lasted for over ten minutes before we both opened our mouths to speak, but quickly shut them when we realized the other one wanted to talk. For a good five minutes the two of us sat there, waiting for the other to say what they wanted to, but nothing came out.

“Um…so...that was unexpected.” Not a very great way to start this conversation, but hey I had to somehow right?

“Yeah, I didn’t expect it either,” Lucian spoke, his voice low enough that I hardly heard it.

“Why’d you do it?” That’s right ask questions get to the bottom of this!

“Why’d you kiss back?”

“I asked first,” I whined, crossing my arms stubbornly across my chest.


Growling, I kick Lucian in the ankle again. He rolled his eyes at me, mumbling something about being childish, before answering, “Because I wanted to.”

“That’s a great reason.” Sarcasm dripped off my every word.

Lucian shrugged his shoulders, his eyes scanning the floor as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. I sighed, my arms falling next to my side while I lean back on my bed. Looks like I won’t get anything out of him, he’s as stubborn as a mule…or maybe that is the only reason he did it…I mean it’s Lucian. It’s strange to think about him liking someone.

I frowned when Lucian moved off the bed; the floorboards creaked under his weight as he exited the room, leaving me in silence. For a couple of seconds, maybe even minutes, maybe even hours, I’m not so sure, but for the next couple of whatever, I sat there and stared at the door, hoping that Lucian would come back in and tell me that he really had a reason.

That never happened though and I eventually gave up. Sliding under my bed I scolded myself for even thinking that Lucian felt anything towards me like I did for him.

I fell asleep that night with a frown on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so short, I just felt like it was an appropriate place to leave off
