Status: Complete.



I sighed I hate French class. Why do I take it again? Oh yeah because it’s easier to take it now then in college.

I rolled my eyes just thinking about college. That’s two years away and my parents are already pressuring me about it! Gosh, I hate growing up it really blows, so much work and pressure. It’s like our parents hope that if they keep saying it then it’ll be permanently imprinted into our minds.

Madame Hauf called on me and my eyes widened. Kiley giggled because she knew there was no way in hell that I was paying attention.

“Je ne sas pas,” I mumble.

Madame Hauf scoffed at my answer, which meant I don’t know, before telling me to pay more attention and not to daydream in her class. I nodded my head quickly before grumbling some curse words and beginning to actually take some notes in my notebook.

I really hate French.

When the bell rang signaling the end of class I jumped and ran out. Kiley had to run to catch up with me but when she did she punched my shoulder and shouted, “Wait for me asshole!”

I chuckle before apologizing to her. At my locker I put in the combination and threw my books in before waiting for Kiley. She was currently grabbing her books when I spotted familiar black hair just down the hall.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched Lucian move down the hall. I was jealous of his posture. He always stood straight and walked elegantly like he was royalty, which he pretty much was in this school. His face was always void of emotion, never showing how he felt about anyone or anything around him. I was jealous at how perfect he was.

I bit my bottom lip as I watched him move closer. He was texting on his phone and not even paying attention to anyone. He didn’t need to dodge anyone in the hall, they dodged him or got ran over it’s just how it goes.

I took in a deep breath and waited for him to get near us. When he finally did I managed to speak, “Hi Lucian.”

But like usual he didn’t even acknowledge my existence and simply walked past me. It felt like a cold hand had wrapped around my heart and squeezed. Kiley told me that he just didn’t say anything because he was looking at his phone, but I knew better.

I’m translucent to him.

Shaking my head I mumble, “Lets go.”

Kiley and I went to our next class, Biology. She and I sat together and looked at our cheek cells. She kept giggling and making jokes about how mine looked like poop and that I probably licked out of the toilet. I told her that hers reminded me of ticks and that she probably licked her dog.

When that class ended we had History and Algebra 2 before the day finally ended. I followed her out of our eighth period class and we went to our lockers where we grabbed our things and went straight to Lucian’s car.

He was leaning against it with his arms crossed over his chest. His fringe was hiding his eyes from view and I was dying just to reach up and move it so I can see his beautiful eyes, but that would be a little creepy don’t you think?

Kiley said a sweet hello and got a nod in return. I opened my mouth to say my greeting but Lucian was already opening his door and taking a seat. I sighed in defeat before sliding into the back and staying silent, listening to Kiley talk and Lucian occasionally add something in here or there.

When the car pulled to a stop in the driveway Kiley and I jumped out. We went straight to her room where I sighed and took a seat on her bed.

“Now what’s wrong?” She asks as she throws her things onto the floor.

“Does he hate me or something? Should I ask him?” I ask her curiously while chewing on my bottom lip.

Kiley rolls her eyes while placing her hands on her hips and answering, “No he doesn’t hate you. Why do you insist that he does?”

“Well he doesn’t even talk to me let alone acknowledge my existence!” I shout whilst throwing my arms wildly in the air. “I think you’re stupid woman. Do you not see?”

She smacks me over the head and I whine.

“Shut up!” Kiley snaps before going to get on her computer. “Trust me when I say, he does not hate you.”

I shrug before turning on her TV to start some video games.

Around five that evening I found myself sitting next to Kiley at her dinner table. Oh, you’re probably all wondering why I’d be eating at her house right?

Well, my parents are hardly ever home. Actually they’re home about two times a month. I pretty much live here, in this house with Kiley. I eat dinner with them, go grocery shopping with them, and sometimes I stay over here for a week or more at a time.

I was currently shoving some spaghetti into my mouth when I heard Kiley squeal, “Oh my god Christmas break is only two weeks away!”

“That’s right,” Cheri, Kiley’s mother, says with a smile.

“That means Christmas vacation!” Kiley shouts, pumping her fists into the air enthusiastically. “I can’t wait!”

Kiley and her mother talked animatedly about Christmas for the rest of dinner. I felt my shoulders slump at the mere mention of the big holiday.

Suddenly I wasn’t so hungry and I excused myself from the dinner table. I washed my plate before going into the living room where I lied down on the couch. Lazily I turned on the TV and stared not really paying attention to the moving objects on the screen.

My parents had already informed me a week ago that they wouldn’t be home for Christmas. They said that they had put a couple hundred bucks in my account and that I can buy whatever I want for myself.

They were having too much fun in Las Vegas to come back and celebrate Christmas with their only son.

They were too busy partying to do anything with me for any holiday.

It hurt to know that they disliked me that much.

I sniffled and realized that I had slowly started to cry. Quickly, I pushed the tears away and snuggled my head into a pillow on the couch. I didn’t want Kiley to see me crying, she’d want me to explain everything and once I did she’d go on and on about my parents.

I hate talking about them. I hate thinking about them. It just makes everything worse.

I hadn’t realized how tired I was while thinking all this. I didn’t realize that my eyelids were becoming heavy and slowly falling and before I knew it I had passed out on the couch.
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