Status: Complete.



I groaned when I felt myself begin to wake up. Sleeping is so amazing and waking up…it just sucks!

I rub my eyes before sitting up and stretching. I blinked multiple times when I noticed that I was definitely not in the living room. Instead I was lying in the guest room at Kiley’s house, or should I say my room since every night I stay I sleep in here?

Whatever, how did I get up here anyways? Dan, Kiley’s dad, probably brought me up. He’s like the father I’ve always wanted.

Shrugging it off I hop out of bed, shivering when my feet met a cold floor. Quickly I hopped from one foot to the other before putting on some slippers and walking out of the room. I could smell bacon and began to salivate.


It took me two seconds to get to the kitchen, but as soon as I entered I squeaked, slipped, and crashed to the floor.

Why did I do that you ask, well because…

“L-L-Lucian?” I stuttered, slowly pushing myself up to stand. I quickly dusted myself off and tried to fix my hair, but failed miserably.

I felt myself blush when the boy actually turned his head. I could have sworn for a simple second that he looked at me, but it was probably just my imagination. Like Lucian would look at me…

He looked back towards the stove before putting the finished bacon on a plate, which was already piled with the delicious creation. My stomach decided then would be a nice time to grumble loudly. I blushed when I heard Lucian scoff.

“I um…c-c-can I have some?” I ask nervously, my cheeks changing colors due to the fact that we were alone in a room. That was rare. Normally his parents or Kiley were with us, but right now we were…alone…

Lucian simply shrugs his shoulders before grabbing an extra plate. I wanted to squeal when I realized that he had answered my question, sure he didn’t answer verbally but he acknowledged that I asked, which is an accomplishment in my eyes!

Lucian lazily threw a few pieces on along with toast before placing the plate on the table. I thanked him before slowly eating my food while taking a peak at Lucian from the corner of my eye every now and then.

He had finished cooking now and was sitting on the counter, eating some of his delicious breakfast. His eyes were half-mast and his hair a complete mess, but it didn’t take away from his beauty.

I wish that I could have tried to bring up a conversation, because it was just he and I so that means he would have to answer right…because no one else could for him. I was too nervous to do that though and soon Kiley was down here saying good morning and stealing some of Lucian’s food.

He glared half heartedly at her before smirking and saying, “Dork, share.”

“Make me!” Kiley giggled, sticking out her tongue childishly.

Lucian reached over and grabbed her by the end. She squealed and began to thrash her arms, trying to get away with the bacon. Lucian chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly into his chest for a bear hug.

“Cooties!” Kiley squealed but kissed her brothers cheek anyways. “I guess I can share but only because I love you.”

Lucian smirked. “That’s what I thought.”

I couldn’t help but smile at the two. They were so cute. Is cute the right word?

Yeah, Kiley was the best little sister anyone could ask for and Lucian was the best older brother anyone could ask for. You could tell the two were close by the way they acted. Sometimes I think they were meant to be born as twins, because Kiley can read Lucian like an open book and Lucian always knows when something is wrong with Kiley.

Once Kiley and I finished breakfast we went to get ready. It was the weekend, which meant we had to go to the movies and the mall. We always did on the weekend when he had cash to spend.

“Hey Lu!” Kiley shouted to her brother from the front door. “You want to come with us?”

“No,” Lucian answers from somewhere upstairs.

“Ok, see you later then!” Kiley shouts before walking out the door to join me.

She shivered and I immediately wrapped an arm around her. If you were walking down the street you’d think she and I were a couple by the way we were cuddling, but we were just close and I felt like she was my sister as well and I have to take care of her.

“It’s cold!” Kiley says while her teeth chatter.

I nod in agreement while burying my face in my scarf. “The bus better get here soon or we’re going to be Popsicles!”

“Do you think I’d taste good?”

“Maybe to a cannibal,” I laugh.

Kiley nudges my side before the bus pulls in front of us. We both hop on and pay 75 cents for it to take us to the mall. We got off around 10 and went straight to the movies; we decided to see Where The Wild Things Are. It was pretty cute even if I don’t want to admit it.

Then we spent the rest of the day shopping. I don’t actually like buying things, just looking at them.

“Oh yeah,” I snapped my fingers together when Kiley and I get back onto the bus for the ride home. “I have to thank your dad.”

“Why?” Kiley asks curiously as she and I take a seat. “What’d he do?”

“He took me up to the guest room last night,” I answer as I sit the Hot Topic bag containing a my new shirt and CD between my feet. “I had fallen asleep on the couch. If I had staid down there my back would have been killing me today.”

Kiley raised an eyebrow at me like I was stupid before saying, “My dad didn’t carry you upstairs.”

“Huh?” I ask. “Then who did?”

Kiley simply smiled before shrugging, but that grin pretty much screamed ‘I know something you don’t know.’

I raised an eyebrow before asking, “What do you know?”

“Something!” She giggles.

“I don’t like that look.”

Kiley rolls her eyes at me before whispering into my ear, “Lucian took you up last night and tucked you in.”

“W-What?” I screamed, catching the attention of everyone on the bus. Kiley shushed me before pulling me down to her again so she could continue talking into my ear.

“Lucian. Tucked. You. In.”

I felt my cheeks catch fire as I stutter, “R-R-Really? You a-aren’t joking r-right?”

“Would I joke about something like that?” Kiley sighs.

I bit my bottom lip. Yes, Kiley was my best friend and she wouldn’t lie to me about something like that…

But really, Lucian?
♠ ♠ ♠
So how is it so far?
