Status: Complete.



The airport was crazy. The ride was all right until we landed. I was surprised I made it out of there alive! Those people, I swear, are out for blood!

“Damn…vampire people,” I grumbled once I somehow managed to get off the plane.

Kiley giggled behind me before she grabbed my hand. She swung it between us while she spoke, “Oh stop being such a grump!”

“Kiley…I woke up at four in the morning and I was stuck on a smelly plane with fat old people for three hours…I believe I have every right to be a grump.”

Kiley howled in laughter before sighing, “Yeah, whatever, but once we get to the cabin we all can take little cat naps, you’ll be fine.”

I nod and follow Kiley to get our luggage. We all grabbed our things and exited the airport. I’ve never flown before or even walked into an airport so of course it was weird for me, but I felt all right once we got out of the crowded area and into the car where I knew I was safe from weird people, well…except for Kiley.

She’s a different story.

“So what do you kids want to do when we get to the cabins?” Eric, Kiley’s father, asks.

“Take a nap,” Kiley answers with a yawn. Her eyes were drooping as she rested her head on her brother’s shoulder. I smiled when Lucian wrapped his arm around her and moved so that Kiley could be more comfortable.

Sometimes I wish I had a brother or sister like that…one who actually cared about me.

Cheri laughs. “I figured you’d say that.”

“Then I want to show Davie the lake and the woods!” Kiley looks over at me with a huge grin as if she was asking if that’d be ok with me.

I shrugged. I honestly didn’t care what we did, as long as we did something. She grinned like a maniac before shutting her eyes and taking a little snooze on her brother’s shoulder.

I rested my forehead against the cool window and watched as everything went by. There wasn’t a single piece of snow on the ground, which was the point. We came down here so we’d be warm for Christmas, which is a bit odd to me, but at the same time it’s exciting.

After about an hour we were driving on back roads. They were a bit bumpy, but pretty well taken care of so it didn’t wake Kiley up. I chuckled when she snored loudly and I had to slap a hand over my mouth when I noticed Lucian make a ‘what the fuck, why am I doing this again?’ face.

After a few more minutes we pulled into a driveway.

I stared in awe at the cabin before us. The wood was dark red and seemed to blend in with the forest around it. It was only one story, but damn it was nice. There was a porch that went all the way around with a hammock along with a few lawn chairs.

A huge tree stood next to the drive way and I noticed a swing. I made a mental note to get on it as soon as possible.

Quietly we all got out of the car. Lucian picked Kiley up, who was still out, and walked her into the cabin while Eric, Cheri, and I got the luggage.

“What do you think sweetie?” Cheri asks me.

I look over at her, a smile splitting my face, as I chirp, “It’s awesome! I can’t wait to go swimming.”

Eric chuckles, “No skinny dipping.”

I pout. “Now that just ruins it.”

He leans over and ruffles my hair like a father would and once again I felt that warm feeling in my chest. I felt like I belonged. I felt like this was my true family, which only made me smile wider.

Once Lucian tucked Kiley in he came back out and helped us pack everything in. Cheri informed us that we’d unpack later and for now just to rest. I nodded and follow Lucian to our room, which was in the back.

I felt my heart beating erratically in my chest as I followed the boy. I stared athis ass the ground and stayed as quiet as I could.

Lucian turned into a room, which held two beds, one on each side. There were also two different dressers but only a single desk and TV. It was really cozy looking though…it just made you wants to relax.

“Whoa,” I whistle as I walk into the room. “This is nice.”

“Hn,” was the only noise Lucian made to show that he heard me before he pulled off his jacket.

My face flushed and quickly I turned away, afraid that something down south might work up if I watched. I licked my dry lips before stuttering, “N-Night then.”

Lucian didn’t say anything and the only way I knew he had gotten into his bed was the squeaking of the mattress. I frowned as once again he ignored my existence, but brushed it off anyways…

I had two weeks after all…maybe; just maybe I can get his attention.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two updates in one day!
I feel like I accomplished something in life :]
