Status: Complete.



“Please daddy!”

“I’m sorry Kiley but your mother and I have to go get food so we can survive for the week. Ask your brother if he’ll do it.”

Kiley pouted. “He’ll say no.”

I smirk as Eric chuckles and wrap his arms around his daughter, pulling her into an embrace. She smiled and snuggled into her dad’s chest while humming a useless song before sighing, “I guess I can ask him.”

“If he says no then I promise as soon as I get back we’ll go out on the boat. Ok?”

Kiley nods before leaning up and kissing his cheek. Eric pulls me into a hug next and I try to get away when he decides it’d be fun to mess up my hair.

“Be good squirt!” He laughs before finally setting me down. I laugh and stumble away before waving good-bye.

“Now it’s time to go blackmail my brother!” Kiley laughs evilly.

“Dear God,” I sigh, shaking my head. “I’m honestly worried about your mental health.”

Kiley sticks her tongue out at me before skipping away with me right behind her. It didn’t take us long to find Lucian sitting in the living room. The TV was playing Viva La Bam, but Lucian didn’t seem to be paying attention.

Instead he had his headphones plugged in and was curled up under the blankets. It looked like he was asleep, but that changed as soon as Kiley shouted and jumped on him.

Lucian shouted as the two of them went plummeting to the floor. I laughed as Lucian wrestled to get out of his blanket to see what or who had suddenly jumped him. When he realized who it was he growled, “Kiley, what the hell is your problem?”

Kiley giggled insanely before answering, “Nothing. What’s yours?”

Lucian sighs while using the palm of his hands to rub his eyes. “Whatever it is, my answer is no.”

Kiley whined, she reminded me of a five year old, but I wouldn’t say that in fear that she might attack me. I swear that girl has rabies.

“But you don’t even know what I was going to ask.” Kiley throws her arms wildly in the air.

“It’s either something stupid or suicidal.”

I chuckled as I watched the two of them bicker for a moment. So far it sounded like Lucian didn’t want to take us out on the boat, but then Kiley must of got an idea. Her eyes and face light up as if a light bulb had literally popped on over her head.

Her frown turned into a huge grin before she grabbed her brother by the shirt and pulled him over. I raised an eyebrow as Kiley whispered something into his ear, something that obviously changed his mind. She probably black mailed him.

My face caught fire when I notice Lucian look towards me out of the corner of his eye. I bit my bottom lip as I watched him glance between a far too happy Kiley and me. After a couple seconds he groaned and caved in, “Fine. Let me go get ready.”

“Yippee!” Kiley cheered while standing up and jumping up and down.

Lucian lazily pulls himself to his feet before moving back to our room. Once I knew that he wasn’t listening I looked at Kiley and asked, “Did you black mail him?”

Kiley laughed evilly, her hands on her hips and nose stuck up in the air in victory before answering, “Nope. I’m just good and persuading people.”

I raised an eyebrow. “So you black mailed him?”

Kiley growls before pointing an accusing finger at me, “Do you not believe in me or something Davie? Trust me, it was not black mail. I just promised him something he wants if he took us out on the boat.”

I rolled my eyes and laughed, “What did you promise him? Sex?”

“Yep, with you!”

I choked on my own spit. Kiley tumbled over in laughter as I tried to regain my breath. I looked at her like she was psychotic before screaming, “Did you really?”

“No, of course not silly!” She answers while waving her hand towards me as if to disperse the thought entirely. “I actually promised him a couple pictures of you naked.”

If I wasn’t blushing before I knew I was now. I glared at her as she laughed and started to move back to her room, saying that she had to go change. Sighing, I decided that glaring at her wasn’t going to do anything and that I needed to change too.

As I was walking back to my room, it hit me.

My body stilled as I realized that I’d be seeing Lucian in his swim trunks. No shirt just swimming trunks.

It was suddenly really hot. Who turned up the heater anyways?

I pushed open our bedroom door to see Lucian was already standing there with nothing but black swim trunks on. My face probably went from every shade of pink to the darkest of reds within two seconds.

I glanced at his chest, which is just as perfect as everything else. Suddenly it felt like an inferno in here.

Quickly, I moved to my dresser and tried my best not to stare and drool at him as I spoke, “Y-You know you d-d-don’t have to take us o-out if you don’t w-want to.”

I took a chance and looked at him from the corner of my eye. He was running his hand through his hair as he shrugged and answered, “I don’t care. Kiley needs to be entertained somehow, if not she’ll explode.”

I laughed and quickly looked away. I didn’t want to stare and make him feel uncomfortable or freak him out. That’d be bad since we’re sharing a room for the next two weeks.

“Yeah, y-you’re right…t-t-thanks though.” I cursed at myself for stuttering around him.

“Whatever,” Lucian sighs before moving out of the room.

Once he was gone I smacked myself in the head while repeating, “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”

Why do I have to be such an idiot around him? It’s like he completely kills my brain process when he’s in the room. I can’t think, talk, or even function correctly. He probably releases some type of hormone that makes me go crazy…

Yeah that’s it…
♠ ♠ ♠
Can all you lovely readers please go check out my two new stories,
Stop and Artistically
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Oh Lucian without a shirt and a turned on David
I wonder what's going to happen!
Oh wait, I know because I'm the author :D
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