Jeffree star and John Hock

The Transsexual Ninja and the Stupid Rapist

John and Jeffree were the best of friends and did almost everything together. From long parties and drunken nights their friendship seemed everlasting, But as we all know good things seem to end at some point .After a while Jeffree became famous and so did John too, by stealing some of Jeffree's fans. Ever since that happen Jeffree plotted revenge on john in order to get all his fans back once again.

It had been a normal day on Stickam and now night had fallen, John Hock sat in his chat room all day trying to seduce girls to his house and promising them a good time and a camera spot during his next show. When all failed he gave up and started drinking. The room was quiet for a few minutes until his worst enemy joined the room…Jeffree Star.
John looked shocked for a moment. "What the hell is he doing in here?" he asked himself out loud. It took a few minutes but soon after Jeffree's reply showed up in the chat box:
Jeffree Star: I heard about your latest victim John, was she any good?
John didn't speak instead he typed back.

John Hock [fth]: Better then you could ever be why are you in here?

Jeffree ignored his question.

Jeffree Star: Why are you still on Stickam when no one wants your ass in here?

John smirked.

John Hock [fth]: Cut the crap Jeffree what do you really want?

Jeffree replied.

Jeffree Star: What I really want is you off of Stickam for good and ill do anything to make sure that happen's.

John laughed.

John Hock [fth]: Yea... you and what army?

Jeffree shook his head as if john was crazy, Jeffree knew tons of people and he also had his own secret weapon that could seal the deal.

Jeffree Star: listen you stupid little cunt who the hell do you think I am? I know more people now then you have in your whole life.

After the message was sent Jeffree logged off. He was positive the next time he arrived on Stickam; John Hock would be in his grave.

John looked surprised for a moment, pondering on what he should do or say. The other anonymous people in the chat sat quietly not knowing what to say. The people on the side cameras had a funny face as to say 'what the hell was that?', no one dared to speak at first. No one really knew what to say.

A few hours passed and Jeffree sat at his vanity applying his makeup. To Jeffree it didn't matter wither he was getting ready to kill someone; He still had to look pretty. He looked in the mirror and smiled. "Damn" was all he said before standing up and getting ready for what he hoped was John's final day.
It had been a few hours and they both were making their way to the park. John was nervous though he wouldn't show it. He knew Jeffree could be one crazy transsexual and he wasn't about to get in his way too much. On the other hand Jeffree was excited.
He was so ready to get rid of John he could taste the blood that would be poring out after the kill. He hid behind a few trees and waited for John to arrive before sneaking up behind him. His weapon was hidden behind his back with one hand in place,He was so ready to grab it.

John quickly turned around as he felt paranoid, he could feel that someone was around. Jeffree slowly kept walking up knowing he only had so much time left before daylight. John blinked bravely and thats when he saw Jeffree. His breathing increased as he was terrified. Anything could happen.
Jeffree charged at John with a sledge hammer and managed to strike John's arm.
EEK! John screamed.

As Jeffree chuckled John pulled out a vacuum cleaner and entangled all of Jeffree's hair in it. Jeffree took apart his hammer and it morphed into a baby Godzilla. Godzilla bit down on the vaccum with more force than a hygiene chewing on jar pickles. John noticed the Godzilla and started to run away, but tripped over an erect snake. The snake was pissed and started choking John, but as soon as John untangled the mangled beast. Godzilla had already sent a flammable lugie heading straight towards Johns face.

The impact was so fierce it turned Johns face into jello. Jeffree satisfied as a drop out getting his first job, scooped up John and sold him on ebay, making him rich and of course raising his friend count by at least 10 million, because the aliens that bought John had a lot of clones.