Status: New and active :) For Charlie

Escaping Our Fate

When you wish upon a star...

Charlotte, or Charlie as all her friends call her, sat by herself on a large boulder staring down at the moon’s reflection in the water. The 14 year old girl anxiously awaited the arrival of one certain person.
The same 15 year old boy who made her heartbeat quicken and caused the butterfly parade in her stomach. She knew that despite the fact that they have only known each other for a month that she was in love with him.
This night was going to be her last night Virginia Beach, tomorrow morning she would be back on the road to her house. Summer Vacation was over. She was sad, but not because the impending threat of school. No, she was sad because she would probably never see Monte ever again.
As if he called summoned, the boy strode up behind her; smiling as he covered her eyes with his hands.
“Guess who,” he whispered in her ear.
“Hmmm, is it Todd?” Charlie smiled, knowing perfectly well who it was.
Monte huffed and moved in front of her, all the while covering her eyes. “Who’s Todd? Should I be worried?”
Charlie covered Monte’s hand with her own and peeled them back slowly. She met no resistance.
When she saw Monte before her he was outline in the light of the moon, looking like a Greek God. “I don’t know, maybe you should be. Todd and I get along wonderfully.” She teased, loving the feeling he gave her when he pulled her close and planted a soft kiss to her lips.
”But does he make you feel the way I make you?” He whispered against her lips.
“Only you,” Charlie whispered right back. She pulled him closer and pressed her lips against his. Monte held her closely; afraid that if he let go she would disappear forever.
“I love you, Charlie.” He admitted, glad that it was too dark for her to see the red tinge to his cheeks.
“I love you too, Monte.”
Monte leaned back against the boulder, holding Charlie in his arms. They watched the stars together for what seemed to be the last time.
“Do you think we’ll ever see each other again?” Charlie asked. They had agreed that after tonight they would leave it to fate. If they were meant to be together somehow destiny would bring them back to each other.
“I think we will,” Monte kissed her hair.

That night they both wished on a falling star that one day they would see the other again.

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
♠ ♠ ♠
For Charlie :) Cause I love her.

This is a series by the way!