Status: New and active :) For Charlie

Escaping Our Fate

And she looks like she needs me

Monte slid out of the bunk and fixed his hair and clothes before jogging up to the front of the bus. I just laid there for a moment in total shock. He never once mentioned a girlfriend. No one said a thing even hinting towards the fact that he had one!
I couldn’t help feeling stupid, ignorant, used, and betrayed. Monte had been freely flirting with me since the first day. The men I thought I could call friends hadn’t bothered to tell me that Monte was dating someone and just let me fall for him all over again.
I gave myself a few minutes to calm down before getting up and walking out to the front part of the bus. I stood in the doorway that led to the bunk area and looked at Lizea. She looked like a whore with her bleach blonde extensions, a fake tan, and nails that I could only describe as hooker nails. She had so much make up on her face I’m pretty sure that Monte never kissed the skin there for fear of tasting the caked on Cover Girl. Monte’s standards have defiantly gone down.
I wanted to hate her so much already; she had Monte when I didn’t. But that wasn’t fair, I didn’t even know her. She could be a perfectly nice girl, despite the pair of booty shorts shoved up her ass farther than Jessica Simpson’s in Dukes of Hazzard.
Lizea turned her gaze to me and her smile turned into a sneer, “Bri Bri, who’s the Ashlee Simpson poser?”
Did she just call me a poser?!
Worse; did she compare me to Ashlee Simpson?!!?!?!?!

Okay, now my hate for her was totally justified.

I clenched my teeth, trying to keep in the words that would send her crying and probably make Monte pretty pissed at me and instead looked directly at Monte, “Monte, we need to go do that interview now.”
His eyebrows creased in confusion, probably wondering what I was talking about, considering we had no interviews planned. Understanding seemed to dawn on him as he detached Lizea’s arms from around him, “Yeah, we should go do that before the show. I’ll see you in a bit Liz” He gave her a quick peck on the lips that had me fuming with jealousy and hate again. Before she could even make the effort of kissing him back he was out the door, leaving me to follow.
I sent a smirk at Lizea as I passed her. When I went outside I saw Monte against the bus, waiting. I didn’t say anything to him as I continued walking. I heard the smack of shoe to payment as he jogged to keep up with my fast pace. Neither of us said anything as we walked side by side down the boardwalk. We continued in silence until I led him to a dock that only a lone fisherman was at, sitting on the far opposite of him.
“I tried to tell you about her…” Monte finally spoke up, not being able to stand the silence any longer.
I scoffed, staring out at a boat that was bobbing up and down in the river. “When?”
“The first day. But then the guys interrupted and I just… I haven’t found a good time to tell you…” he trailed off.
Ha, well I guess now I can tell Steph I solved the big mystery. I was sure to get a Scooby Snack for it.
I kept silent, not knowing what to say.
‘I want you to break up with her’ and ‘Tell me you love me more’ seemed too melodramatic.
It seems I didn’t need to speak up, Monte did it for me. “It’s not like I want to be with her anymore. I lost all those feelings for her a long time ago.”
I turned to look at him finally, “Than why are?” My words were meant to sound strong and like this didn’t affect me in the least, but instead they came out sounding hurt and desperate.
Monte raised one hand to my cheek, cupping my face tenderly. “She’s Craig’s sister. She’s the only reason we got him to be our singer. I just... I can’t hurt her like that after all she’s done for the band.”
I leaned into his hand, giving in already. It’s not as if I can hate him, his reasons are kind of sweet.
”I understand if you hate me,” he bit his lip looking so sad. “and never want to see me again. But I want you to know I never lied about my feelings. I do like you, a lot.”
That was all I needed to hear. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his face towards mine, our lips meeting in an explosion of long over due fireworks that sent my body into a hypersensitive mode. It felt so right to be with him, to have his lips against mine.

“What about Lizea?” Monte panted when we finally broke apart for air.
“She never has to know.” I brought his mouth back to mine and curled my fingers into his hair.

There was no way in hell I could give up Monte.
♠ ♠ ♠
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