Status: New and active :) For Charlie

Escaping Our Fate

I'll Be Giving It One More Shot

“SURPRISE!!” A chorus of female voices rang out, breaking the silence of sleep.
I slid out of my bunk, rubbing my eyes. The first thing I saw was a scantily clad Lizea and a shirtless, pantless Monte. Monte stood there in a pair of Mickey Mouse boxers (okay… that was kinda cute) and Lizea was only in a thin as paper night gown that barely covered her ass.

I hate that girl with a passion….

I tried to get the mental images of what they were more than likely doing last night out of my head and made my way up to the front of the bus to see what the commotion was. There were four girls in the front of the bus, smiles on their faces and boys attached to them.

Max was kissing a girl shorter than him with long black hair and from what I could see, brown eyes. Michael, Monte’s brother, was spinning around a girl about his height with pale skin and short dark hair. Another girl had jumped onto Robert, her legs wrapped around his waist. She was a lot shorter than him, with dark brown nearly black hair and blonde chunky highlights. I think what I noticed most about her was her eyes; they were the brightest blue I’d ever seen.
Last was a girl, probably the youngest of them all, hugging Craig around the waist. She had long black hair and milky white skin. It reminded me how much different him and his sister were.
I knew Monte and Lizea were behind me, but I paid them no attention. I could tell it annoyed the hell out of her, and that only made me smile for the first time of the morning.
“What’s going on?” Monte asked groggily.
Max was the one who answered the question Monte verbalize and I was wondering silently. “They came to visit!”
Okay… that was vague.
“Eww. The bitch squad.” Lizea said, none too quietly at that.
“Look who’s talking,” The girl with Michael replied.
“At least I’m not some groupie.” Lizea retorted.
“Oh no she didn’t!” The girl made a lunge towards her but Michael held her back.
“Damnit Lizea, shut the hell up!” Craig yelled at his sister. “Go the fuck back to sleep if all you are going to do is ruin everyone else’s good mood!”
Lizea huffed and stomped back to the bunk area.
Craig Mabbitt is now my hero.

“Right, well why don’t you introduce us?” I smiled warmly at the girls in front of me.

”Shit, sorry! Girls, this is Charlie. She’s doing the Fuse video thing.” Craig explained.
I pang of pain ran through me; I wish that I could have been introduced as Monte’s girlfriend, but Lizea the Evil currently held that title. I was just the girl he hooked up with when she wasn’t looking.
I banished that thought from my head. I was more than that, and I knew it.
“This is Keisha,” Craig gave the girl by him a peck on the head. He pointed at the girl with Max, “That’s Skylarr.” Then Robert, “Kaylee” And then Michael, “And last but not least, Dani.”
“Nice to meet you,” I gave them a small wave.
The boys excused themselves, going to go get dressed. The girls all looked at me, “So, how do you feel about Lizea?”
I looked behind me to make sure Craig wasn’t around. I wouldn’t want to insult his sister right in front of him. All Clear. “I hate her fucking guts.”
I got four huge smiles in return.
”I think we’ll be getting along just fine, Charlie.” Kaylee said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, I got all the girls in

Sorry to the people who didn't get to have a guy. :(
It was first come first serve.