Status: New and active :) For Charlie

Escaping Our Fate

Let Me Be The One To Call You Baby All The Time

“Bye guys!” The four girls gave their respective boyfriends kisses and waves as we made our way out into the dark night. We all somehow squeezed into a cab and were off to go to a club. Somehow it was decided that all of the girls would go out for a ‘girls night’. When Lizea fussed about not wanting to go out with a bunch of losers Keisha told her “Good, because it’s a girl’s night, not bitch’s night.”
I could barely contain my laughter and neither could Monte. I was just glad he was standing behind her and she couldn’t see him doubled over with a hand over his mouth trying not to laugh. Lizea got so pissed she stormed back to the end of the bus, screaming something incoherent.
I really liked these girls; we had a lot in common with each other. I wish that they could stay longer though. They were due to leave in the morning. Keisha had to get back to work, Skylarr needed to house sit for her brother and his wife, and Kaylee and Dani didn’t want to stay on tour because it was too crowded for them. They promised to call, text, and email me though so that made me happy.
I was excited for tonight though. I’ve spent so much time just being around the guys that I was dying to just go out with people who bath regularly and don’t have burping contests. Tonight was due to be fun.


“That was sooo fun!!” I exclaimed with an arm wrapped around one of the girls; I wasn’t sure which one though. At the moment they all looked the same; at least when I wasn’t seeing two of them.
I was beyond drunk. Drinking all night is never a good idea. But it’s an even worse idea for a person who hasn’t eaten anything all day but a bag of chips. And to add to that amazing mixture: Someone who has a very low alcohol tolerance.
I had the vague recollection of dancing with some particularly hot guys and then sitting in a booth with Dani and blathering on about how much I was in love with her boyfriend’s brother. This was odd for me because normally when I drink I have good control over my actions and my mouth. Tonight it was like someone had flicked the switch in my head off. I just sat there as parades of questions were thrown at me by all four girls. They wanted to know everything, even the most insignifigant things. They gave me their support and said they hoped Lizea got dumped on her ass real soon.

“Alright boozey, let’s get you in bed.” One of the girls, I think it was Skylarr, told me. She helped me out of the cab with a laugh. I tripped once we got into the bus, landing me smack dab in the middle of the floor. I started laughing, and I wasn’t entirely sure what at, everything just seemed hilarious at the time.
“How much did you guys let her drink?” Monte asked.
I looked up at him and smiled. I couldn’t help it; it was an automatic reaction when I saw it.
“I lost count,” someone said.
Monte knelt down beside me and soon I was lifted up into the air, his arms securely wrapped around me. I leaned my head onto his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Hi.”
“Hey,” Monte smiled a little, walking us toward the area.
“Where’s Queen Lizea? Did she get smothered by her fake boobs and die?” I giggled.
Monte shook his head at me, but smile anyway. “She’s asleep, just like everyone else.”
The warmth of his body was replaced by the chill of the sheets in my bunk. Without having my shoes (which I found out later on I had kicked off in the taxi) to worry about he pulled the covers overtop of me and placed a gentle kiss to my lips. “Time for sleep, Charlie.”
I grabbed his arm before he could move away, “Stay with me?”
He frowned visibly, “I really wish I could… but Lize-“
“I don’t care about her. Just stay with me.” This time I didn’t give him a choice, I pulled him into my bunk and he gave up. He slid under the covers and wrapped his arms around me.
”Alright, but I have to go to my own bunk before she wakes up.”
I nodded and snuggled closer to him, my eyes closing as I inhaled the scent that was purely him.
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