Status: New and active :) For Charlie

Escaping Our Fate

So Me Your Teeth

He leaned over me and pressed him warm lips against mine and I shivered at the touch. He whispered my name against my lips and ran one hand through my hair, the other one around my waist holding me securely against him.
“I love you Charlie.” He pulled away to look me in my eyes. I heard the distinct ‘pop’ and whistle of fireworks up in the night sky. Blue and pink light twinkled behind his head and I smiled.
“I love you Kellan.” I pulled his lips back down to mine in another sweet kiss.
In normal dream fashion the scene changed instantly and we were running from a huge dragon. Kellan Lutz was clad only in a pair of linen pants and even my dream self couldn’t help but admire his amazing abs. I turned my head as I ran, looking at the giant green scaly dragon running after us. It had a striking resemblance to Lizea as it screamed a high pitched scream and fire blew out from its mouth. The tangled nest of blonde singed at the heat, making Lizea the Lizard’s hair even worse.
The hand that reached back to grab mine was a lot tanner than Kellan’s, and I looked up to see Monte urging me to go faster. I quicken my pace and ran side by side with Monte through the flower field. I didn’t need to look behind me to know that everywhere Lizea The Lizard stepped that the flowers burst into flame and died. My heart ached for the once beautiful flowers. Monte turned quickly, pulling me into a small cave. We moved carefully through the darkness, feeling in front of us attentively so we didn’t fall into a hole. I felt the heat of fire as Lizea blew flames into the cave, attempting to kill us. But we were too far ahead for it to reach, and she was too big to fit into the cave.
We were safe.

We emerged from the cave on the over side and stepped onto a beach. The sand was white as snow, the water so clear you could see the bright colored fish swimming happily about. Monte kissed my hand as he led me towards the edge of the water. I stuck my bare foot in slowly; it was the perfect temperature. It was cold enough to keep you cool, but warm enough that you weren’t freezing. I smiled and jumped in fully, immersing myself in the beautiful water. Monte soon followed and pulled me to him in the water. He kissed me fully as fish swam around us, seemingly smiling. When our kiss broke we emerged from the water, going up to the sand again. Monte found us a shaded section and we lay down there, watching the water.
”Everything’s perfect.” Monte said out loud.
“Yeah,” I agreed, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

But as with everything perfect, it always gets ruined.
And almost always, by Lizea.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” The high pitched yet somehow deep voice yelled out, fire spitting out and setting the beach aflame.

I was woken up with a start, staring at the real life dragon as her hand connected with my face with a loud ‘SMACK’. Herclaws nails cut open my cheek and I could feel a trickle of blood.

“You little whore!” She spat at me.
I brought my hand to face and wiped away the little trickle of blood. I sat up quickly, as Monte climbed over top of me, his face red in embarrassment and anger. “What the hell do you think you’re doing Lizea!?” He yelled at her raising his voice, something he rarely did.
Lizea’s wide eyes looked at him like he had suddenly grown another head. “What am I doing?! What are you doing?! Sleeping with this little tramp!”
“The pot calling the kettle black, don’t you think?” I slid out of the bunk and stood beside Monte.
Lizea turned her firey gaze to me, “You’re the slut fucking my boyfriend.”
I raised my eyebrow, “I’ve never ‘fucked’, as you so eloquently put it, you’re boyfriend, first off. And second off,” I ticked off on my finger, “if you would shut your collagen filled lips and listen you would know that!”
She pulled her hand back and, before I could even react, made contact with my already stinging cheek.
I hissed as I felt the familiar throb outline the scratch she already made. “I swear to god if you hit me one more time…”
“You’ll what? Cry?” Lizea sneered.
I glared at her, “Do it and find out.”
Monte was smart enough to stay out of this. I think he secretly wanted to see what would happen to her when she hit me again. He’d never admit that though.
I waited until I felt another sting to my cheek before pulling my arm back and smashing my fist right into her surgery made nose. I heard the satisfying crack that accompanied a broken bone and rubbed my hand happily when she staggered back and tripped over a shirt that was lying on the floor, falling straight on her ass. She screamed loudly, waking the sleeping men around us. Craig jumped out of his bunk first, wanting to see what was wrong with his little sister.
”Holy shit! What happened?!” He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and kneeled beside her.
Monte shuffled awkwardly, staring at the ground. “Well… you see…”
“That little whore punched me!” Lizea’s voice was comical as she whined and blood ran from her nose.
“You hit her first!” Monte spoke up, defending me. “Three fucking times!”
Craig looked up at me, seeing the cut for the first time. Evidently it was worse than I thought because I heard Max mutter a damn and told Robert to go look for the first aid kit.
Need I point out that they were more worried about me than the girl with a broken bone? :D They love me more.
“She found me and Charlie asleep in her bunk and freaked out. She hit Charlie. And to be fair Charlie warned her not to do it again.” Monte continued.
Max threw a (mostly liked dirty) towel at Lizea and grabbed my hand gently, pulling me to the back of the bus. I sat down where he instructed and Mike got to work on cleaning my face.
”What the hell is her nails made of, razors?!” Max yelled angrily. I watched as Mike tossed a red rag into the trash and picked gauze from the pile to finish the cleaning job.
Huh, who knew nails could do so much damage?

“You should pack you’re shit and leave Lizea. I can’t and won’t do this anymore.” Monte’s muffled voice said from the front of the bus.

So much for a break up on good terms…
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