Status: New and active :) For Charlie

Escaping Our Fate

Lip Gloss and Black

“CHARLOTTE DESTINY LEVINE!! Get your ass down here, now!”

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the closest pair of shoes; black and white Vans. No sooner than my feet slid into them did I hear my name being screamed again. “CHARLIE!! HURRY UP!”
“I’m coming!” I yelled back. I grabbed my wallet and shoved it into my back pocket as I ran down the stairs. I was met with a very irritated and pissed leprechaun.
Okay… maybe she wasn’t a leprechaun but she reminded me of one so much. She had fiery red hair and she was on the short side. And that’s saying something cause I’m not the tallest girl around either.
“Holy shit Steph, could you freak out anymore?”
Theleprechaun girl in front of me glared and pulled me by the hand out of the house. “You’re going to make us late!”
”Seriously,” I laughed, “We are going to be in line for like 3 hours. Does it matter if we are late?”
”Yes.” That was all the explanation she would give me as she shoved me into the car and got into the drivers seat.
We were on our way to our State Fair. Yeah; it was kinda stupid of us to be going 3 hours early but we didn’t care. It was totally worth wasting so much time because today we were going to see Escape The Fate. Stephanie had introduced me to them when I moved here by giving me their cds as a welcoming gift. Personally I liked ‘Dying Is Your Latest Fashion’’s singer more than the new guy, but they were both good.
Today would be the first time I will ever see their faces.
I have this little rule about music; I will never look at a band until I hear their music. I didn’t want their good looks (or lack there-of) to influence my opinion of them. Personally I liked it better this way; it made everything about the music. Wasn’t that the most important thing? The music they make, not the way they look?
It was just an added bonus if they were hot.

And boy was I hoping this band was hot.

“Holy shizz!!! Stephie! Buy me this?” I whined to my best friend, shoving my arms through the loops and adjusting the wings on my back. They were the biggest brightest butterfly wings I’ve even seen! They were black with intricate purple swirls and designs all over it. I was completely in love.
Steph looked at my wings and laughed a bit, and went back to the booth and fingered a few of the others, “What happened to your own money?”
I kicked a pebble with my shoe and smiled innocently, “Well… I really want to buy a llama.”
That made Steph jerked around and look at with a face that screamed ‘ARE YOU RETARDED?!’. “What the hell do you need a llama for?”
I looked down sheepishly, “I could make it have little llama babies and con children into buying them.”
”Llama’s are the new ponies?” Steph laughed so hard she was holding her sides.
“Damn Straight.”
“You do know those aren’t llamas they are alpaca’s, right?”
I made a disgusted face, “Well fuck that. I don’t want some stupid alpaca.”
I paid the vendor for my wings and walked towards the near by trash can. I was twisted around trying to grab the stupid tag and tear it off when I was knocked flat on my ass.
“Oh god, I’m really sorry!” A male voice said as a tanned hand extended down towards me in attempt to help me up.
I took his hand and righted myself, wiping dirt off my butt on the way up with my free hand. I looked up at the face of my assaulter/knight and gained the biggest shock of my lifeso far.

Holy shit…
♠ ♠ ♠
For Charlie (obviously) because she is the best co-writer a girl could ask for and the most amazing friend. XD