Status: New and active :) For Charlie

Escaping Our Fate

He's So Sweet

“Holy shit.” I breathed out as I watched Monte walk on stage.
“What was that?” Steph yelled beside me so she could be heard over the crowd.
“I know him!” I yelled back
Steph gave me a confused look before glancing around us; trying to find the ‘him’ I was referring to. “Who?!”
“Him!” I pointed to the stage where Monte was currently looking down at his guitar as he played. “Monte!”
Steph’s eyebrows furrowed in thought, “I thought you’ve never seen them?”
“I haven’t!” I exclaimed. “He’s the old friend I told you about!”
Steph’s jaw literally dropped. She looked in between Monte and I about twelve times before it actually sunk into her head. She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the crowd. We were standing far enough away that we didn’t have to scream to be heard but close enough that we could still see and hear the band on stage. “Spill. I want every detail.”
I told her everything; how I met him, all about that summer we spent together so many years ago, about our parting. Everything. I kept glancing over at Monte, secretly hoping he would realize who I was. But alas, he never even looked over at me. His eyes were always planted on the people out in the crowd or on his band mates.
“You have to talk to him, Charlie!” Steph grabbed me by the arms and shook me.
“He won’t remember me, Steph!” I told her. I pried her fingers off of me to stop the constant shaking. It was starting to make me dizzy.
“He will! He’ll see you and instantly remember!”
I chuckled, “I think you’ve seen too many romantic comedies.”
Steph’s cheeks were tinged pink at being caught. Honestly, this girl was a sucker for a good romantic comedy. They were her favorite genre of films and she absolutely hated it when there wasn’t a happy ending. When she first watched Becoming Jane –which isn’t really a comedy but it is romantic- she cried her pretty blue eyes out. She nearly threw the DVD into the trash but I luckily saved it or else we would have had a huge fee from Blockbusters.
“Who cares?! You never know if that may happen unless you try! You could be missing your one shot at being with your soul mate! He could be your destiny!”

Funny how that one word was always being used.

See the thing about destiny is; no matter how much you run she always seems to get her way in the end
♠ ♠ ♠
I know.
My fingers hurt like hell so I don't want to type too much, but I owed this update.