Status: New and active :) For Charlie

Escaping Our Fate

Won't You Take Me Away?

“Alright, so I was thinking that we could go see a movie and then maybe a bite to eat…,” Joe, one of my co-workers, rambled on.
You’d think that after turning him down about twenty previous times he would just give up, but no. He still asks me out at least one or two times a week. To tell you the truth; I’ve thought about quitting my job just to get away from him. But alas, I love my job too much.

I am a music blogger for the music channel, Fuse. I right reviews of albums and concerts. I’ve had a few interviews with the bands, but they usually leave the big interviews with the Steven (as in Steven’s Untitled Rock Show) or some of the other hosts.
“Joe, how many tim-“
“Charlie!” I was cut off, being summoned to the boss man.
“Sorry, gotta go!” I ran towards Devilin’s office, escaping the pleading of Joe.

“What’s up?” I slid into the huge leather lounge chair and smiled at him.
He shut the laptop and took off his glasses before looking at me. “I have a proposition for you, Charlie.”
“Is it an offer I can’t refuse?” I leaned forward in my chair, intrigued.
He laughed, “You’d be stupid if you refused.”
“By stupid do you mean I would be sleeping with the fishes?”
“What is up with you and Mafia terms today?” He shook his head, smirking.
I leaned back into the comfy fluff. “Steph made me watch mafia shit last night.”
“Does she have MPD?”
I raised a single eyebrow, “What?”
”MPD. Multiple Personality Disorder.” He explained.
“Dude… I have no idea. Sometimes she tells me her name is Countess Isabella and cracks this whip at me like I was her slave or something…”
I was totally NOT joking, but he laughed anyway, so I just let him believe I was playing.
But that’s a totally different story that I would rather not get into. It still gives me nightmares. O_O

“Anyways, what was that offer Boss Man?” I brought us back to the subject at hand.
“Oh yeah. How do you feel about video blogging?”
“Whatever. Just answer the question.”
“I’m not opposed to it, but I’m not full onboard with it either.”
“Well, get onboard, because you’ll be doing it for about two months.”
”Excuse moi?”
“You’re going on tour with a band for two months. You will have a video blog up every week about how it is to touring with them, what kind of stuff has happened, clips and other things.”
”VLOG. And why should I say yes to that?”
”Because if you do a good job and the viewers like it, we’ll talk about making you in a VJ.”

Holy shit. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear the little monkey in my head started dancing wildly. I’ve always wanted to be a VJ for Fuse!! I want a show like Steven’s, where it’s all about the music, all the time.

”Deal. Who’s the band and when do I leave?”

”Escape the Fate and at the end of the week.”

And so Destiny threw me back onto her path…
♠ ♠ ♠
Can you guys go read this story staring Monte and Ronnie???
Charlie and I would love you forever.